What We're Working On - August 21, 2023


Jump, shoot, and slash your way through 30XX, the roguelike action platformer you can play with a friend! Explore lush, ever-changing worlds that mix precise platforming with fevered combat. Destroy fearsome Guardians. Master unique Powers. Rediscover the thousand years we've lost.

Hey, folks! It's been a week since our last post, so we're updating here to sum up this past week's various fixes and tweaks to 30XX, and indicate what we'll be chewing on this week. Today's hotfix summary brings us up to 1.00.12, the current live build - 1.00.13 will be coming today or tomorrow. As long as we're patching frequently enough to warrant it, we'll continue to make these posts - eventually we'll slow down and start working on the game's first post-1.0 content patch. I'm sorry to report that we still don't have an update about our Switch release - we'll update you as soon as we do. NOTE: Please see [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1029210/discussions/0/6363075944119583463/]this thread[/url] if you're having issues with your game saving. We've seen four players have a related problem so far, and in all four cases, something in their computer's config was preventing access to Documents/30XX - it's usually Windows Defender flagging the game incorrectly. Thanks for playing! -- [b]WHAT WE'RE WORKING ON:[/b] [*]Permanent Upgrade toggles, so you can customize active upgrades from the set you've purchased (in case you want to turn some of them off) [*]Updating a few out-of-date tooltips & fixing some text errors [*]Updating localizations in several languages in response to player feedback [*]Misc. game fixes [b]GAME CHANGES & FIXES:[/b] [*]Fixed an issue causing text overlap in some languages in the Memory Index and Entropy Cluster. [*]Fixed weird behavior when completing multiple runs with different endings in one session. [*]Fixed some Memory Index entries having overlapping names and descriptions. [*]Fixed some instances of text being larger than their containing button. [*]Buttons on the pause menu are now larger in certain languages to make their text fit. [*]Fixed the final boss gates potentially locking out the client in high-lag situations. [*]Level 8 boss achievements are no longer achieve-able in alt level versions. [*]Absolution's dropped Scythe no longer triggers a warning indicator once you walk offscreen. [*]Rerolling items can no longer result in character specifics Augs in co-op games with both characters active. [*]Fixed an error causing Watergrav FRO-6 acid to split the wrong way in online co-op. [*]Fixed an issue causing alt levels to roll during Leaderboard Challenges. [*]Fixed a rare issue that could cause Glory Zone teleporters to fail to teleport the player to the correct place. [*]Renewal Pod no longer drops an item immediately when loading a save (allowing a patient player to load/reload over and over for health or nuts). [*]Fixed an issue where toggling Autocombo in the pause menu, then changing another option, could revert your Autocombo toggle. [*]Fixed an issue causing text to not properly reload in a few places when switching language settings. [*]When rerolling the Trader's Offer, the exact item offered is now blocked in case the same reward type is rolled again. [*]Fixed an endgame miniboss occasionally not being attackable by Ace after a certain move. [*]Instances where the client gains nuts in online co-op (say, because of a duplicate Core) now properly sync nuts gained. [*]Instant teleporters in online co-op no longer trigger the "warp" effect when your partner enters them. [*]Fixed Deepverse Wall Lasers not respecting Armatort's set as the client in online co-op. [*]Fixed the host being able to start the run without the other player having readied up. [*]Re-enabled trader re-rolling in online co-op. [*]The Client in online co-op can now accept Delta's Boast. [*]Fixed an error causing the Trader to offer player 2 more Core Extenders than intended in online co-op. [*]Disabled Shopaholic in multiplayer while we rework it. [*]Fixed an endgame issue that could prevent progress online if the host is dead entering a certain endgame area. [*]Fixed a rare crash that could occur when starting local co-op in an old Mega Mode file. [*]Save and Quit now properly remembers what items were in the last level's shop. [*]Reboot now properly scales with bonus Reboots & other Repro effects. [*]Fixed a potential crash as you defeat Legacy. [*]Fixed a hitch on some lower-end systems when defeating Lethal Tempo [*]Fixed a rare online co-op crash. [*]Fixed the background during the last level in Rush Job. [*]Fixed the first phase of the final boss sometimes facing the wrong way. [*]Hopefully fixed the final boss sometimes dying early (for real this time). [*]Fixed Sage Beam being able to trigger some old Autodrone fusions. [*]Gave a hitbox to one of the attacks of the stage 9 boss. [*]When the health bar type is set to Hybrid, bars of Armor can no longer overflow off the edge of the screen. [*]Fixed dialog boxes in HQ sometimes not showing up after you complete a run. [*]Fixed a softlock in a secret level if the player has too little Max HP. [*]In Rush Job, Augs that increase a stat on level start, now immediately apply their effect when picked up after defeating the boss. (This means items that apply on pickup and on level change will now apply twice if picked up after the boss room.) [*]Fixed an error causing Save and Quit to occasionally save/reload incorrect run timers. [*]Added some new Visibility Options! [*]"Show Chunk Name" is now disabled by default. [*]Added an option to hide the version number on the top-right of the screen (the option to hide this is enabled by default). [*]Added options to reduce projectile clutter when there's a lot going on on screen. This option has four values - currently, the default will alpha fade your partner's Repro attacks in online co-op. You can also make it fade all of your partner's attacks when the screen gets busy, *all* attacks, including your own (again, only when the screen gets very busy), or disable this setting entirely. We may change the default here in a later patch. [*]NOTE: This Option's definitely a little on the experimental side - tell us what you think! [*]Added an option to disable boss hit flashes. [*]Vital Crystal's damage now scales with bonus health again. (+50% per additional Vital Crystal level, +1% per additional Bonus Health.) [*]Fixed Gears of Industry and Market Fluctuations' new interactions with Prototype Resonator. (They now correctly give +7 nuts per pickup instead of +5). [*]The Shape Respecter achievement no longer minds if you hit the floaty Legacy faces in phase two. (This makes the achievement slightly easier, but it's still tricky, and it's easy to think the face doesn't count as a "shape".) [*]Wincing Clover's damage taken no longer triggers negative damage-taken effects. [*]Fixed Final Shell's interaction with Prototype Resonator. [*]Added a few extra Whirls to Aiming Whirl to visually cover its entire hitbox. (It went a bit further than its previous visual indicated.) [*]Two particular Prototype Symbols no longer spawn in Leaderboard Challenges. [*]Fixed an error causing Honor and Glory to occasionally trigger incorrectly. [*]Fixed some ending timings. [*]Fixed certain text on the victory screen sometimes not showing on some languages. [*]On the pause menu, the "End run" button now says "Main menu" when appropriate.