Delta's Dawn: 30XX 1.2 Patch Notes - April 15, 2024


Jump, shoot, and slash your way through 30XX, the roguelike action platformer you can play with a friend! Explore lush, ever-changing worlds that mix precise platforming with fevered combat. Destroy fearsome Guardians. Master unique Powers. Rediscover the thousand years we've lost.

Hello! Hope you've had a fine 2024 to date - it's about to get a little more GLORIOUS! Today's 30XX 1.2 Patch, DELTA'S DAWN, introduces Delta as a playable character to the game. Delta plays as a highly variable hybrid character between Nina and Ace with unique spins on weapon charging and NRG that reward fast play and calculated aggression, and he's unlocked the same way the Entropy Cluster is (spoilered details on that below). 1.2 also introduces the first of our ALTPHASES, new level alternate level design features added to Burning Temple, Highvault, and Deepverse that'll shake things up from run to run. It also adds a new enemy, a handful of new Augs, a new button for all characters (most notably providing Ace with a new Bladeswap ability), a new Shortmode option called Ephemeral Journey that makes the game a tighter, tougher 5 level run, and much more! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36819828/f1f0d05f7580bfcee86fd0dd035f10f861d42da4.jpg[/img] Delta is free for all players of 30XX - unlike 20XX, we've decided to try releasing 30XX's first new character for free, instead of making it into a paid DLC. This is kind of an experiment for us - we'll see how it goes! To celebrate his release, 30XX will be at its lowest price ever on Steam - 30% off, or $14 USD - for the next two weeks. He'll go live on Switch soon, as well - just waiting for the update to pass their certification. [b]GAME FIXES & CHANGES:[/b] [*]Delta debuts! I'll spoiler tag the character's mechanics below in case you'd like to discover them for yourself. Unlock note (spoilers): [spoiler]Unlocked the same way the Entropy Cluster is -- either a game win or 5+ level 5-or-higher runs will unlock Delta. Players who have already achieved this will see a Delta unlock pop-up immediately when starting the game, and will not have to re-unlock him.[/spoiler] [*][spoiler]Delta wields both Ace and Nina's weapons and powers, and is encouraged to aggressively switch between them as the situation demands to sate his need for Glory.[/spoiler] [*][spoiler]Weapons: Delta can use most of Ace and Nina's weapons, and begins the game with both the N-Buster and the A-Saber bound. He can only use one Nina beam at a time (no stacking). When completing a Contemplation Room, he'll receive either an Ace or a Nina weapon at random. Delta can't find Ace's weapon augs.[/spoiler] [*][spoiler]Instead of charging normally, Delta charges his Weapons by using them - three Nina hits charges the next Ace attack, and vice versa.[/spoiler] [*][spoiler]Weapon hits build Hype. At 20+ stacks, Delta can press RT (the previously unused button) to consume them and become Glorious, fully recharging his NRG and giving a damage/speed boost for 5 seconds. Hype does not decay when hit (unlike Ace). Activating Glory is Delta's primary NRG recovery mechanism, so you want to time the activation such that it'll give you lots of extra juice for your Powers while also being in position to utilize the damage or speed buffs Glory grants.[/spoiler] [*][spoiler]Powers: Delta can find both characters' Powers - at the end of each boss fight, he'll be offered one at random. Delta can find Power Augs, but can't fuse Powers. Because of his rapid NRG recovery via Glory, Delta's Nina Powers have a base cost of 2x their Nina cost. Delta's Powers are bound like Ace's Techniques (and his Nina Powers default to their Ace-technique-counterpart keys). Delta doesn't have Unleash Blade - a few Ace weapons work differently to account for this (For example, Edgewall is the shield by default, and fires the charged boomerang when the attack is charged). Aiming Gear aims automatically.[/spoiler] [*]Added Alt Phases, intended to spice up level variety between runs. As of this patch note, three levels have alternate phases (Burning Temple, Deepverse, Highvault) - if you encounter these stages on level 3+, they might spawn with a few twists! [*]Added a new button that performs a different action depending on your character. [list] [*]Nina's action is Stance Lock, keeping you in place and letting you aim your weapons more easily. [*]Ace's action is Blade Swap, letting you quickly switch between primary weapons. [*]Delta's action is Glory, which consumes active Hype Stacks (if 20+) to grant full NRG and a temporary speed/damage boost. [/list] [*]Added a new Highvault enemy, the Storm Demon! Watch the skies. Caw. [*]Added a new Aug: Charm, which lowers shop prices by 20%. [*]Added datalore for enemies and bosses. (Note: These are currently in English only. It's a lot of words.) [*]The Entropy Cluster now shows your current entropy level on the machine. [*]Entropy Conditions are now saved between sessions (Standard Mode only). [*]Moved a few Entropy Conditions that did not increase Entropy Level into the World Configurator, a new device next to the Entropy Cluster. [*]Added a new World Configurator option: Ephemeral Journey, which halves the amount of levels in a Standard run. (The run will generate five levels instead of 10, at difficulties 2, 3, 5, 7, and 9.) [*]If you've completed a run before, you can now skip the escape sequence through a green teleporter. [*]The final level is now guaranteed to have a slot machine. [*]The Speedwalker achievement now requires a completed run within 32 minutes (was 28). [*]The Speedy Pilgrim achievement now requires a completed Pilgrimage 2 run within 40 minutes (was 35). [*]Repros are now a bit rarer, and have increased shop costs. [*]Vagrant's Dissonance (Arm Core) is now less insanely busted than before. Mathematically, it's about a 25% increased damage multiplier still. (Down from.. a lot more than that.) [*]Vagrant's Waltz (Leg Core) reworked a bit [*]instead of the unwieldy blinkdash, dashing while overheating now starts an Unstoppable Force-style movement. This is usable while horizontally airdashing, and is awesome. [*]Vagrant's Yearn (Body Core) now uses a small amount of Corruption when releasing a damaging Nova while overheating (so it isn't permanent, endless giga-damage with the resonator and full set). [*]Added some new Character Palette options. [*]Ace, Jest and Delta can now re-order their Powers even with Still Waters active. [*]Zen Disciples now have a minimum time before they can divekick at you, so they're a little easier to get under from point blank. [*]Slot Machines now have the very rare Super Jackpot, granting three Augs at once. [*]When attempting to salvage an unsalvage-able Aug, the game now displays a popup to inform you. (Instead of just picking it up.) [*]Astral Terminus (Power Aug) now lets Ace destroy vending machines with Ryuusei. [*]Fixed vending machines visually sticking around when destroyed with Crushing Void. [*]Arrow Blocks now have a tell when they're about to disappear, and give a bit more leniency before losing their collision. [*]Improved behavior when Arrow Blocks collide with each other. [*]Fixed Water Platforms and Hydrophobic Platforms appearing a little higher than they should. [*]Fixed background filters sometimes not covering the whole screen with certain scrolling backgrounds. [*]Fixed Doppelgel being able to duplicate Triplicate Spirits (and causing weird behavior). [*]Laurent's Evade now ends when making wall contact (so you can jump immediately). [*]Autoloader now grants additional benefits when Resonated (more Beams for Nina, Weapon Aug benefits for Ace). [*]Fixed corpses displaying ERRSTR. [*]Fixed a misalignment in L10's "inside" background. [*]Chronovane pieces can no longer spawn in Slot Machines (preventing an awkward situation where one is slated to spawn late in a run in one - this makes it easier to complete). Spoilers for updates to a certain endgame quest below - click at your own risk!: [*][spoiler]Removed the Symbol of Peace as a prototype. You can now start a "peace run" through a portal in the Rev Device room. (This was done to eliminate the inherent RNG involved.)[/spoiler] [*][spoiler]You can now talk to bosses when you have the Symbol of Peace.[/spoiler] MAKER FIXES & CHANGES: [*]Added Delta and his new Augs. [*]Added the Storm Demon enemy to Highvault. [*]Moved character-exclusive Augs into their own categories, for clarity. [*]Echobeast now has the correct palette. [*]1.1's new Augs now have localized text. [*]Fixed an issue where background tiles could not be deleted if an asset on a disabled layer overlaps them. [*]Fixed Power/Weapon Augs being selectable for Weapon Blocks.[/*]