What's to Come - WitchHand Devlog


You're a witch, leading your coven into new, unfriendly lands. Use the cards you find to build and expand your civilization. Befriend the local covens or use their bones to fuel your spells. Gather your familiars, the witching hour is nigh.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44224141/242fdf88b9d67d6b58658e4305ffe64ea2d4adc2.png[/img] Hello friends! I've been hard work on WitchHand and the good news is that I have a lot of new features to share! But before I get into that, I want to say thank you to everyone who has played the demo. Your feedback has been great and really pushed the game to be greater. The demo has gotten a positive reception over the past few months -- especially from the previous two demo festivals -- and I'm stoked to finally share more about its future. If you haven't played the most recent version of the demo, you should check it out! I've made a ton of improvements to it (again thanks to feedback!) That said... what's coming to WitchHand?!?! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44224141/86fed2e0e46cd59dc621793e9f682b855777282e.gif[/img] [h3]Automation with the Nexus[/h3] A mid-game village type, the Nexus will allow all buildings to automatically pull the resources they need from the Nexus' chests. The Nexus chests also function as magnet chests, meaning they will pull new resources to themselves from anywhere. Which is good because soon your playing space will be bigger than ever! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44224141/b3a7455729a76f970c89ca2dcc2d98619b4520c8.gif[/img] [h3]Expanding Playing Space[/h3] During your explorations, you will sometimes encounter the Fortune Teller. Pay her fee and watch as she expands your opportunities for growth. Sometimes it's dangerous though, so watch out for that. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44224141/457c328d268e8258101ad7561c5743b654a0c461.png[/img] [h3]But will there be Bosses?[/h3] There will be! Let me tell you about the first one: Encountered while exploring the Void Ruins, Void Lords always come with a few of their little shieldling buddies. These shieldlings will need to be defeated before you can damage their boss, but doing so might net you a unique item that will help you keep your witch alive. [h3]Any other juicy secrets? That can't be it?[/h3] Nah, but here's a tombstone. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44224141/752a7715920d5d43160ed8004ed8b88d59102668.png[/img] I gotta get back to work, but thanks for reading! See you next time, Jon