New Character Sneak Peek


You're a witch, leading your coven into new, unfriendly lands. Use the cards you find to build and expand your civilization. Befriend the local covens or use their bones to fuel your spells. Gather your familiars, the witching hour is nigh.

I've been hard at work getting the new witch character ready! Here's a sneak peek! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44224141/8784b6f94faf2503859eee0c905ef55d65e5caff.png[/img] [h3]The Phoenix[/h3] Unlike the other witches in WitchHand, the Phoenix Witch needs only one familiar: the Phoenix. The Phoenix has the potential to become very powerful if well taken care of. When happy, it has an increasing chance to produce double resources when crafting. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44224141/d0f49690776c89d2a8f3f269b4579199f211f910.png[/img] Because the familiar training buildings no longer have familiars to train, they instead buff the Phoenix in various ways. For example, the Sorcerer's School allows the Phoenix to cast spells and increases its cast speed. Slotting additional Sorcerer's Schools will increase the cast speed even further. With the right set up, a happy enough Phoenix will complete many tasks almost instantly. You'll also be able to discover new cards that strengthen both your Phoenix and your witch. My current favorite is the Everburning Bond, which allows stat increases to the witch to also apply to the Phoenix, and vice versa. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44224141/e23efdccf34d88aa0a001f9ed2363cb917eea3f1.png[/img] [h3]Balance Changes[/h3] More than just adding a new playable character, the Phoenix Update will also be making many changes to the balance and progression of the game. Many cards will have their recipes updated, their unlock conditions changed, and in a few cases, their usage totally reworked (looking at you, Spell Archive!) Also! You'll be getting a special gift from your home realm after building the First Waypoint. Returning players can look forward to a revamped play experience and new players can go in knowing that the experience has been polished to a mirror shine. Can't wait to share more. Jon