Sacrifices, Bribes, and Chaos - WitchHand Devlog


You're a witch, leading your coven into new, unfriendly lands. Use the cards you find to build and expand your civilization. Befriend the local covens or use their bones to fuel your spells. Gather your familiars, the witching hour is nigh.

Hello friends! I'm here to tell you about some new features coming in the full WitchHand release! Let's get right into it. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44224141/142f0c3f7144f5633db9a03bc5ae830e47753dc6.gif[/img] [h3]It's the Rite Time[/h3] The Temple of Rites allows you to perform a variety of rites with unique effects you won't get anywhere else. Want to block all damage to your witch for a night? Temporarily boost the attack of all your familiars? All you need is the right cards to sacrifice! And don't worry, if you're not excited about sacrificing your favorite warrior cat named Gregory, you might be able to find alternative options. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44224141/63ff98267cb430842cfa055478927037a438fda4.png[/img] [h3]Bribery![/h3] Not a fan of your Faerie neighbors? Maybe they're not selling the thing that you want? Don't want to kill them in cold blood? Then bribery is the answer! A peaceful solution, simply give them some money and they'll leave! But! If you do decide to keep them around, they might provide some extra services once they become friendly. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44224141/79ea2eb49c74d423c8386e3c3091a68f1e73d0e7.png[/img] [h3]CHAOS CHAOS[/h3] The Chaos Witch really likes attacking stuff! So much so that they don't allow any of their familiars to attack. To help the witch take on every enemy all on their own, they have a lot of options to beef up and quickly become overpowered. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44224141/7a6c59738713a3c9034775a9c69b6c6363b6dd68.gif[/img] Skulls from defeated enemies are used as offerings to the Chaos Gateway, which in return rewards the Chaos Witch with new abilities and, you guessed, the opportunity to get more skulls per skull. It's skulls all the way down and you can never have enough. [h3]Oh Yeah and I Updated the Demo[/h3] The demo got an update that featured a pretty heavy polish pass. Many things now look and feel better! Also there's a new land and village that increase Silversage production speed. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44224141/0bed3280b690fe131baba762359e40aeccf28e11.png[/img] I gotta get back to work, but thanks for reading! See you next time, Jon