Fated Future - WitchHand Update and News


You're a witch, leading your coven into new, unfriendly lands. Use the cards you find to build and expand your civilization. Befriend the local covens or use their bones to fuel your spells. Gather your familiars, the witching hour is nigh.

Hello friends! Happy WitchHand release week! Thank you to everyone who played the game and left a review and thank you for everyone's feedback and all around good vibes. It's been an exciting time over here! Let's get right into WitchHand's first post-launch update: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44224141/f194c738726b91eb6af62b2103871878cf0afb3f.gif[/img] [h3]Fated Future[/h3] We got three (3) new cards! [list] [*] [b]Fated Delegate[/b] - Fated Quests that ask for a tribute of resources may be slotted here. They will automatically pull the cards they need from a Nexus. Requires Autocaster, Blacksmith, and Armory spells to learn. [*] [b]Magnet: Fireball [/b]- Newly created attack spell cards (Fireball, Shackle, Freeze etc.) will be pulled here. Learned alongside the base Magnet spell. (existing save files will automatically have this spell added to their spellbooks) [*] [b]Burial Spell [/b]- Permanently lays Corpse cards to rest. Creates 2 random resources. A good way to use up Corpse cards that you do not intend on reviving. Requires the Revival spell to learn. [/list] Over the past week, I've also put out a few patches that -- amongst the bug fixes -- included new features like: - support for widescreen displays - villages now have production toggles that toggle all slotted buildings - can now click during most end of day events to skip through them (Turn on "Fast Witching Hour" in the options to get through them even faster) - "Allow Camera Pan with Interact" setting added to controls screen - card symbols added to temple of rites outline sprite [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44224141/f19ac0c4aef530589f7b255542ce9be56be1ec30.png[/img] [h3]Yooo We Got Trading Cards![/h3] Steam approved WitchHand for community items! :wh_cat: I'm excited to see my art in those official Steam card frames. I don't know. It just feels really good. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44224141/34b13796852e110811a4fd936ac80bcbb7a94b84.png[/img] [h3]What's Next for WitchHand?[/h3] Good question! A lot of things are still up in the air as I balance continued WitchHand support with other ongoing projects. I don't want to make any grand promises on what I wish or hope to do for this game. That said, the game will be getting, at the very least, one (1) new witch. Stay tuned. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44224141/5e97618d0446c0b2fc1fd261520b71e0b96d461e.png[/img] [h3]Patch Notes (additional)[/h3] - swords, shields, flame cake, armored smoothie now have better tooltips when being used - fixed source cards able to craft on top of enemies - fixed explore tooltips not showing the correct explore contents - fixed collapsed village outline collision not factoring for the radiant beacon max seven slots [h3]Closing Thoughts[/h3] Thank you. I've made three games now and this one is far and away my most successful* game (in terms of sales and reception). Thank you for making that happen. I appreciate all of you. <3 Jon