Welcome to Season One, Troopers! We have officially dropped the beta tag and launched Season One for the November/December Season! What does this mean for you?
[*] Create your collection! You may now open your packs and start your collection! Every pack you open will reward you with 5 cards and 1 "Bubble Gum" token. These will be redeemable in a future update for a bonus reward. Every pack you open will generate something special like an additional card, acquisition points (for crafting), cardinal's coins, or even a cosmetic item! When this system is launched, you will get all past "bubble gum" items and any future packs will grant them immediately.
[*] The "Beta Tester" title and "Valerie" avatar are now retired! On your first login post November 1st you will receive the new "Super Sushi" avatar and "Doomtrooper" title as a new player! The former title/avatar are now exclusive to people who played in the beta :) Also the "Regal" animated avatar for hitting rank 1 during beta is retired. Congrats to everyone who earned that exclusive reward!
[*] The "Preorder" package will be leaving the store on JANUARY 1st (when we start Season Two). If you want the exclusive cosmetics, get them while you can!
[*] Your ranks are now protected from 20 -> 15 but after that if you lose too many games you will be knocked down! Every win is a point, every loss takes away a point! Earn three points and you will go up a rank. The season ends on December 31st - Midnight PST and you will receive rewards based on how high you rank. So get out there and cause a ruckus against your fellow troopers!
Now that we have left beta testing behind, my focus is on fixing any issues that are reported, balancing cards, and making the game better for everyone! Here are some things I am working on or towards.
[*] A New Tutorial - This has been a long time coming. New tutorial will eventually lead to a short single player game to introduce each faction. Completing them will reward the player with free packs, cosmetics, and a starter deck for each faction.
[*] Balance -Card balance is super important and super tricky to do. We discuss balance a lot in Discord and on Twitch but we need a good system for moving forward. I'm looking to add a voting system for people to vote on changes so we can have a majority rule and give all players a chance to have their input heard. Should have something soon.
[*] Localization - 2022 means we'll be able to start integrating localization support for languages as well as testing some new infrastructure that will allow us to put servers in the EU to help with any network-relation issues we've seen from our friends in Europe!
[*] New Cards - Some cards will be added to the "base set" and we'll give players an opportunity to log in and earn them. And in addition, we'll begin development of the first expansion which will add VEHICLES and FORTIFICATION cards to the game!
[*] New Modes/Tournament - There are many modes we want to add (various types of drafting, tournaments, special game modes with custom rules and others). We also want to run some official tournaments (eventually letting the community run their own as well) and can hopefully start testing them early next year!
[h1]THANK YOU[/h1]
I really appreciate everyone who takes time out of their day to explore this exciting world with me! Doomtrooper has always been a big part of my life and that's why I put so much of myself into making this a reality. And I will continue to do so for as long as the universe allows me! And special thanks to everyone on Discord who helps shape the future of the game. Changing cards, rules, balance, etc is almost entirely a community effort so if you are the type of person who likes to work on the design-side (or if you have a lot of opinions on how to improve Digital Doomtrooper!) Discord is the place to be!
We've also been running promos with various partners around the internet. Coming from one of those sites will grant you a code for 5 free packs and a new card back! If you haven't got a code yet, here are a few! They can only be used once so the first people to redeem them in-game (via the REDEEM menu) will get them. If you missed out, don't worry! Join Discord and follow us on Twitter/Instagram/Facebook and we'll release more soon!
Also, as a thank you for reading this, here is a free code I released earlier today for a free pack! Everyone can use this code!
Just launch the game, open the menu, click "Redeem" and enter this code!
[b]Code[/b]: [code]WELCOMETOTHEPARTY[/code]
As always, come join and chat with the community and developers on Discord!
[url=https://discord.gg/secretcowlevel]Click here to join us![/url]
Justin (and Julie) also do Community Live Streams on Twitch! This is a great time to come and ask questions/hear about what we're up to. Usually every Sunday but we're working on a new schedule.
[url=https://twitch.tv/justinreynard]Follow/Schedule @justinreynard on Twitch![/url]