
[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36049298/31fbc235ec919208e7f085da561de0f7e45d6ff3.png[/img] Pushed a small update today that will help us diagnose problems with the client. the "Error Screen" has been redone and you'll see more informative info as well as a dialog box you can fill out to let us know what you were doing! If you fill this out, it'll get auto reported (along with the error) for us to get a fix out ASAP! And if for some reason you can't report it, you can now just take a screenshot of the error screen and that should get all the most important info straight to us if you [url=https://discord.gg/secretcowlevel]post it on discord in #bug-reports![/url] Thanks so much for helping us squash bugs! Release is just around the corner!