Crafting Is Live!

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36049298/99a5e4b72355e0927ed18889188b32e32b4e9f1d.png[/img] [h1]Crafting![/h1] We recently launched our first version of CRAFTING, bringing us one big step towards launch! This first version has been very well received. By clicking on a card in the Collection screen you get to the info screen: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36049298/020e2cbe5bef015a3bd537d67ac0ca640afe8421.png[/img] If you do not want a card, you can DECONSTRUCT it for ACQUISITION POINTS. These ACQUISITION points can be used to ACQUIRE any card you want! If you have feedback on the system of the values, as always, [url=]join us in Discord![/url] The foundation is working well and you are able to craft any active standard card in the base set. As new cards are added, you can acquire them in packs or craft them. Plus we are not planning any forced resets until launch (unless we have to!) but you always get the ability to reset your packs and re-open them once a month (see below for reset clarification). In the future, as the system and game grows you will also be able to craft: [list] [*] Variant Cards [*] Certain Lore/Mission Cards [*] Tradeable Limited Edition Cards [/list] Also, in a future patch we will be able to offer you full value of a card if the card is changed in an update, setting a nice precedent where if we (the developers) change a card you like you get the ability to swap it for any other card 1 for 1. We want to make sure we are treating our players fairly as we're all one big Doomtrooper community! [h1]Community Driven[/h1] I always said that we wanted to make this game with COMMUNITY SUPPORT and now we're taking it to the next level. Over the years of development, certain community members have stuck around and helped so much that they've become unofficial members of the dev team. For example, @Michalx11 took on the job of managing our QA and bug tracking and has earned a spot in the game credits. Many other players have contributed ideas, bug reports, design changes, balance ideas and more in our Discord chat and in-game feedback tool and I want to give players a more official way to be in the game credits and feel rewarded for helping out. So in the near future we will allow the community to "nominate" other players for their work (via Discord) and players can vote to support them and the top ones will get recognized by the development team and added to the credits. Some may be credited as "Special Thanks" but ones that excel in certain areas could get credits like "Additional Card Design". I've always said I'm making this game with you guys, so I wanted to give you a chance to make it more official. [h1]Reset Clarifications[/h1] There has been some confusion regarding how resets are managed so I wanted to clarify: 1) When you reset your collection, whether forced or by choice, your card collection is reset back to the current starter decks. All variant cards, coins, cosmetics and purchased packs are retained. You will get your acquired packs back and be able to re-open them. Crafting Material will be lost (but you can start crafting again after your packs are opened.) 2) [b]THERE WILL BE A RESET UPON THE LAUNCH OF THE FINAL GAME[/b] No collections are final during beta as we are constantly adding/removing/changing cards. 3) Currently there are no planned forced resets. However, if an exploit is discovered that gives people unfair advantages, or we a have a major change to the starter decks we reserve the right to announce one. 4) Again, if you choose to reset your collection and open your packs again you will lose all crafting materials (otherwise you could deconstruct all your cards, do a reset and then deconstruct them again) 5) Once again, you do NOT lose your stats, decks templates, settings, variant cards (unless they were obtained erroneously), avatars, titles, emotes, card backs, lore cards, mission cards, kickstarter rewards, purchases or coins after a reset is triggered. EXAMPLE You have - 75 packs you have previously opened. - 200 coins - 1000 Crafting materials - 5 decks you've made You choose to trigger your optional reset you will have - 75 packs to be opened again - 200 coins (not reset) - 0 Crafting materials - 5 decks (but the non-starter decks may not be missing cards since you re-opened packs) [h1]Additional Card Changes[/h1] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36049298/a2bfdc8740729c6af4772504334d0f631916dffd.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36049298/e916940bc9c4313598c2182c418972329ba2957d.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36049298/80ced9e9fdf88211bffd21bd5eeb58e3cec1ac35.png[/img]