0.11.5 - Why Are my Decks Invalid?

The community has been hard at work to help balance the game and we're working hard to push as close to weekly balance patches as possible. This week was a big one! Some highlights: [b]MISCOMMUNICATION[/b] This is a major change! This card has been 3x in every deck and used CONSTANTLY since day 1. It was basically three cards in one. It could cancel FATE cards, SUPPORT cards and CONDITION (attachment) cards. This contributed further to making this a game about raw warriors + fate cards, and one of our big balance pushes is to encourage ATTACHMENT and SUPPORT card use to go up. Making this FATE only should contribute to that and make you think about using other cards as well. [b]SACRIFICE OF THE MASTER[/b] Gaining 10D was a lot. We lowered it to 5 to make it a bit more fair. [b]HIDDEN CACHE[/b] Fill up your hand for free? This was the #1 used card most months since the beginning. Foolish not to use it. Which obviously means its contributing to the "all decks need the same list of cards" problem. In an effort to balance the strength it now costs 1D per card you draw. Should bring the power more in line with othercards. [b]AT YOUR SERVICE[/b] This was the other #1 card, swapping places with Hidden Cache every now and then. Free card retrieval for all factions. Now, to bring it in line with similar cards, it will first annihilate a card before retrieving one. A little risk for your reward! [b]REVERSAL OF FORTUNE[/b] One of the most annoying cards to play against. Destiny generation can be slow (especially if someone kept miscommunicating your FACTORY plays!) and there was nothing worse than someone using this card to take all your destiny. This is meant to be a control card but used it combination with Miscommunication and At Your Service, the level of control was a bit ridiculous. So we're trying this. [b]BAUHAUS[/b] "Bauhaus is boring" you said. So we moved Expedite Request, Jammed (and added a -4 to S to the target), and Personnel Shortage to Bauhaus. Makes them a bit more interesting, I hope. We also made Great Infurior a little cheaper so hopefully it get more use. [b]ARMOR BUFF[/b] As I mentioned above, one of our goals is to make equipment more useful. So to that end, we added or increased the ARMOR value bonus to Combat Armor, Composite Armor, Body Armor and Armor of the True Assassin to encourage their use! ** I realize that a lot of these changes might seem drastic especially if you played the game in the 90's. But our goals remain aligned. There are basically 3 pillars of work to be done: 1) Make each faction seem unique and have their own specific strengths and weaknesses. 2) Make sure there isn't a "base deck" that all decks have to contain (i.e. 3 Miscommunications, 3 Hidden Caches etc) to encourage variety 3) Make sure all card types are usable in some strategy. Guns, Support, Armor, Conditions etc should not exist only as "fluff" cards. If you have strong opinions about Doomtrooper or interest in game design and balance, come hang out on Discord with us! All design decisions (beyond the initial ones by Bryan Winter) are community driven! So if you don't like something that is changed in the game, you only have yourself to blame! Come hang out and let us know your thoughts! Thanks, as always. 2022 is gonna be a busy year around here!