Weekly Update: August 9, 2024

Starcom: Unknown Space

Starcom: Unknown Space is an action RPG of space exploration and adventure. Build your own starship while discovering an epic story in a universe of strange mysteries, alien factions and uncharted worlds.

It's been a very busy week here. As I mentioned two weeks ago, I took a mini-holiday last week, which was nice. The day after I got back I posted the announcement of the 1.0 graduation date (Sept 2) and have been hard at work ever since. First of all, there's a [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1750770/discussions/0/4516632734722382722/]new opt-in on the Beta branch[/url]. It's not a huge update, but it did have some changes necessary for graduation. Full list of changes here: [list] [*]Two new mini late-game exploration void regions [*]Minor adjustments, additional hints to guide players in a few stuck points [*]Adjust discovery sound volume [*]Patch for the prevented completion of [spoiler]Tomb of Ock Juk if Ermyr ally in late game[/spoiler] [*]Fix for missing localization strings on one mission [*]Fix for negative fighter count [*]Fix for NaN on specific projectile [*]Fix for rare mission bug in [spoiler]Forbidden Planet[/spoiler] [*]Suppress non-critical exceptions appearing in console, added instructions for closing console via F11 [*]Gamepad specific help notifications [*]Refactor analytics to collected detailed only on opt-in branch [*]Removed Early Access pop-up, FPS indicator [*]Update game icon [*]Several typos [/list] If I don't get any reports of serious issues from unstable branch players, expect this branch to be promoted to default in the next few days. Besides this build, there's a lot of work that isn't directly related to development, including: [list] [*]Updating the Logo versions and Steam store assets (and then updating them again a few days later when Steam increased the default resolutions) [*]Updated Trailer [*]Reaching out to streamers for possible coverage [*]Misc PR stuff [*]Preparing the game for release on GOG [/list] Thanks for reading, until next week! - Kevin