Build 17317 Update

Starcom: Unknown Space

Starcom: Unknown Space is an action RPG of space exploration and adventure. Build your own starship while discovering an epic story in a universe of strange mysteries, alien factions and uncharted worlds.

The Kepler 17317 has had been on the beta branch for several days without reports of any significant issues, so I'm setting it to default. Some minor fixes, a few mission hints and two later game void regions: [list] [*]Two new mini late-game exploration void regions [*]Minor adjustments, additional hints to guide players in a few stuck points [*]Adjust discovery sound volume [*]Patch for the prevented completion of [spoiler]Tomb of Ock Juk if Ermyr ally in late game[/spoiler] [*]Fix for missing localization strings on one mission [*]Fix for negative fighter count [*]Fix for NaN on specific projectile [*]Fix for rare mission bug in [spoiler]Forbidden Planet[/spoiler] [*]Suppress non-critical exceptions appearing in console, added instructions for closing console via F11 [*]Gamepad specific help notifications [*]Refactor analytics to collected detailed only on opt-in branch [*]Removed Early Access pop-up, FPS indicator [*]Update game icon [*]Several typos [/list] As always, you can submit comments/bugs/suggestions in game via F8 or in [url=]the discussion forums[/url].