Weekly Update: August 16, 2024

Starcom: Unknown Space

Starcom: Unknown Space is an action RPG of space exploration and adventure. Build your own starship while discovering an epic story in a universe of strange mysteries, alien factions and uncharted worlds.

Last weekend I promoted Kepler 17317 to default, which had the remaining high priority changes for graduation. There have been no reports of major new issues, which is very reassuring. I'm working on another patch for next week to fix a few minor issues and typos, as well as incorporate the professional German translation. To ensure the smoothest possible graduation, I've been holding off starting on any significant changes until the release candidate is ready, but I've started at least thinking about what order I want to tackle new content / features. I'll probably post a player survey soon, but I wanted to start by asking players what they would like me to prioritize. Let me stress that I'm not committing to delivering anything specific at this point, but here are some candidates: [h3]More Off-path Exploration[/h3] There are a lot of things the player can find that aren't directly tied to the main storyline. These range from small things like void derelicts to larger narratives like [spoiler]Wiskamug[/spoiler]. [h3]Late Game Content[/h3] There are a few narrative threads that players have said they wanted some more resolution for, such as [spoiler]the Nimion and Kyrnan war.[/spoiler] [h3]Continued Play Mode[/h3] Some players have expressed interest in [i]some kind[/i] of continued play mode, possibly via procedural generation. I'm not 100% sure what this would look like, so maybe players who are interested in this can describe how they envision this mode playing? [h3]Creation / Mod Tools[/h3] One of the big changes from [i]Starcom: Nexus[/i] was separating content creation out from the Unity Engine. Theoretically, this means that I could make some of the tools I've used to author the game's content available to people interested in creating their own stories, anomalies, missions, etc. Let me know which features/changes are most important to you, either from the above list or something else. FYI, I'll be offline until Sunday, so I won't be responding as quickly as usual to discussion comments. Until next week! - Kevin