Kepler 17312 Update

Starcom: Unknown Space

Starcom: Unknown Space is an action RPG of space exploration and adventure. Build your own starship while discovering an epic story in a universe of strange mysteries, alien factions and uncharted worlds.

The default branch has been updated to Kepler 17312. The main purpose of this build is it is the first public non-development build. You probably had noticed that the game says "Development Build" in the lower right corner. Besides getting rid of that text, this release build also removes some debug and profiling instrumentation. So it [i]may[/i] improve performance for some players as those add a little overhead. Besides that, the build adds/fixes: [list] [*] F8 indicator removed from HUD (F8 still submits feedback) [*] Some analytics calls removed [*] Difficulty settings added to options menu. Difficulty is application-wide, rather than per game. [*] Havok charge should now persist across saves [*] Fixed missing localization symbol for "quick save not found" [*] Minor RP buffs [/list] - Kevin