Vote for Midinous in the 2024 MIDI Innovation Awards


Midinous is a grid-based non-linear MIDI sequencer usable with any Digital Audio Workstation or hardware that accepts MIDI messages. Midinous can also generate its own simple sounds either for reference, or for normal use.

Hi y'all! The 2024 MIDI Innovation awards have now started and it's time to pick its nominees! [u][b]Midinous[/b][/u] is being featured this year in the lineup in the [b]Commercial Software[/b] category. Please vote for Midinous to be considered as one of 3 finalists for the awards! Thank you so much for your vote. [h3]To Vote:[/h3] [olist] [*]Go here [url=][/url], enter your email, and click "Go To Vote" [*]Click the "Commercial Software Products" category [*]Choose "Midinous" and two other products [*]Confirm, and you're done! [/olist] Thank you all for your support over the lifetime of the program. Your feedback, bug reports, and suggestions have been invaluable to the success of the program. As I find more time to work on the software, you'll hear more from me. Cheers, Jae ♥