Blast evil robots in a retro psychedelic maze of an office, as you bring down the security servers and make your way home. Die for the Economy! is a retro arcade survival game featuring beautiful, chunky pixel art graphics with a psychedelic slant harking back to the old 8-bit game systems.
Hello, fellow workers,
We've been having a few issues with focus, which is about right when you have humanoid co-workers. They do like to dream and think about their plans for the weekends or where they're going on their holidays, so I've implemented a much better solution: More robot co-workers! Robot co-workers will be more reliable, they will be more supportive when you need a shoulder to cry on and they'll save me some much needed cash (I've got my eye on another yacht and she's a beauty!).
So, the focus issue should be solved (no more error message when the main game window loses focus) and most of the staff have now been replaced by A.I. Remember, we're all one big family here so let's pull together and make this work!
Thanks again for your patience. Please keep reporting issues to HR for further interrogation.
Many kind regards,
The CEO.