VoiceOfBelldona 0.35.1 Update

Voice of Belldona

Voice of Belldona weaves a story of swords, magic, and sci-fi! The game features roguelike decks, turn-based combat, JRPG elements, and customizable builds. Choose a character and combat style, explore randomly generated maps, power up your team, crush your enemies and... interact with a cute loli?

With the upcoming New Year's Eve, Voice of Belldona is introducing this update before the New Year. In this update, not only new interactive scenes have been added, but also the battle UI and card styling have been fully revamped. In addition to the new scenes and new features, there are also a lot of bug fixes and player experience optimization, and brand-new story illustrations, so let's see what else is coming in this update. [list] [*] New interactive scenes [*] New "Recon" feature [*] New illustrations in the story mode [*] New card artwork [*] New effect descriptions [*] Added hints and guides [*] Optimized conversation options [*] Optimized prompts for selecting targets [*] Source Shop header improvements [*] Balancing and fixes [/list] [b][list] [*] New Interactive Scenes and Recon feature. [/list][/b] Players will be able to see Abigail sitting near the portal before your departure, seemingly tinkering with something, so why not try to interact with her before heading into your new journey? [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43303340/ea321faf81bd274690fc06fae9a545b48a23910d.png[/img] In addition to interacting with the adorable Abigail, the new " Recon " feature will make the journey much more pleasant. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43303340/491e32b89c279ff1da2fabaad79a86638fc861f4.png[/img] With Abigail's restored "Super Powerful Magic Machine No.5", you can proactively explore any area on the map, and exchange the fuel of "Super Powerful Magic Machine No.5" with source and Abigail to increase the number of times you can recon before your expedition. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43303340/a3bb6eeca88c037070483b578e096e66666b784a.png[/img] [b][list] [*] New Card Frames [/list][/b] The new card frames allow players to recognize the name, type, and rarity of cards at a glance. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43303340/dd1d5d82ef43469a4add279374701df476db9eb5.png[/img] Rinna's card frame allows you to clearly identify the Carnage consumption and the type of combo. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43303340/365061b8fc911aae82c75e0a127c6bf1f17a2a5d.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43303340/c76230bcf16f62806fbb22a20650154416cc87a8.png[/img] [list] [*] [b]New Illustrations Added to Story Mode[/b] [/list] Several new illustrations have been added to the story mode to further immerse players in the scenario. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43303340/d2f3c9a9b26861874005e30d5c8f8b1290f40273.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43303340/8c4487471ee5b2e2020562a3864415f7c11853d9.png[/img] [b][list] [*] New effect descriptions [/list][/b] The effect interface, which was visually confusing to many new players at first, has been reworked. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43303340/0f01222e699a193bbcbd1c750426c07762ac46c8.png[/img] 現在不僅說明和背景顏色的對比更加清晰外,額外的說明現在也可以讓玩家藉由手動操作切換是否顯示。 [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43303340/d8916f3539425219a2f028dfd3b2cee3c9e55ad2.png[/img] [list] [*] [b]Added hints and guides[/b] [/list] Many first time players are overwhelmed by the mechanics of the game, so we've made it easier for new players to integrate into the game by popping up extra guides at certain times. [h1]The first time you get a material to strengthen a summons.[/h1] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43303340/1b34432e1f405ba0616ebc972fa0a515a16055e9.png[/img] [h1]When an unknown event is first triggered[/h1] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43303340/5b233a9c18861be54e928797a2132f7a8292b4c3.png[/img] If you no longer need the prompt, you can also check the box "no longer displayed", it will not appear again. [b][list] [*] Optimized conversation options [/list][/b] All conversations and options that have any resource related information will now display additional images for first time players to better recognize. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43303340/48d3f8be05d0cee81e96a6267f992270c86891b2.png[/img] Characters that have been illustrated in the Story Mode will also appear in Challenge Mode! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43303340/c939a77e576f5551fc8997239e8d2328f4831a06.png[/img] [list] [*] [b]選擇目標提示優化[/b] [/list] All conversations and options that have any resource related information will now display additional images for first time players to better recognize. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43303340/76c2f27d4add1ef7c3eda05925f4d52f47703ea1.png[/img] [b][list] [*] Source Store title optimization [/list][/b] First-time players will be able to better understand the main functions of these two options. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43303340/1a0f76300404ba945c5399dbd75f002ccac00680.png[/img] [b][list] [*] 平衡與修復 [/list][/b] [olist] [*] 修復琳娜使用洛神或天魔之後有機會卡死的問題。 [*] 修復『預備』不生效的問題。 [*] 修復『預備』有時會複製卡片的問題。 [*] 修復支線中獲得『萬劍無垠』跟『女武神的舞踏』兩者獎勵相反的問題。 [*] 修復挑戰模式最後主線的圖標未更換的問題。 [*] 現在大招動畫也能藉由設置音量調整聲音大小了。 [*] 現在琳娜的武器會顯示行動圖示了。 [*] 修復雪兒摸頭的對話未顯示的問題。 [*] 修復主要角色自己殺死召喚單位後角色會重疊的問題。 [*] 修正轉場期間連點滑鼠會造成遊戲卡死的問題。 [*] 修正鬥爭本能不會複製的問題。 [*] 修正格雷薩巧計三階覺醒有時候不會抽牌的問題。 [*] 修正商店中小費實際價格與標示不同的問題 [*] 修正卡片『反擊姿態』效果文本錯誤的問題 [*] 修正各種文本中不通順的地方 [/olist] [b]洛神[/b] 保留 消除所有手牌 生成『滅影斬神』直到手牌上限 消除 ↓ 保留 消除所有手牌 生成等同本場戰鬥中使用派生次數的『滅影斬神』,最多10張到手牌中 消除 [b]洛神算是本次平衡中變更項目最大的一環,目前琳娜的洛神實在是太過強大,原先設計的目的是希望玩家將其作為一種斬殺手段,配合大量有關終結技與連擊的卡片作組合,但當前的實際情形已經變成玩家只需要不加思索的打出洛神就能結束戰鬥,這已經是完全破壞遊戲的其餘樂趣,並不是我們所樂見的結果。 新版的洛神我們仍保持原先的設計核心,但玩家們需要透過相對應的牌組構成才能發揮它的潛力,而非所有情況都是一股腦的使用洛神便能解決所有問題。[/b] [b]綻放:惑[/b] cost:1 ↓ cost:0 [b]綻放:芒[/b] cost:1 ↓ cost:0 [b]鬥爭本能[/b] 從手牌被消除:『抽牌(2)』 每當抽到這張牌,複製一張相同的牌加入手牌 無法打出 ↓ 從手牌被消除:『抽牌(1)並獲得一點能量』 每當抽到這張牌,複製一張相同的牌加入手牌 無法打出 [b]帝國劍術:劈 [/b] 順劈(1) 一般攻擊(14) 自身獲得:臨時力量(3) ↓ 順劈(1) 一般攻擊(8) 自身獲得:臨時力量(2) [b]帝國劍術:刺[/b] 突刺(1) 一般攻擊(12) 自身獲得:格擋(3) ↓ 突刺(1) 一般攻擊(8) 自身獲得:格擋(3) [b]帝國劍術:挑[/b] 上挑(1) 一般攻擊(10) 力量效果2倍 ↓ 上挑(1) 一般攻擊(8) 力量效果2倍 [b]以上是鬥士牌組的初始套牌,我們有注意到如今的鬥士牌組太過厚重,且非常容易卡手,引此我們降低這兩張初始卡片的使用負擔變得更加靈活。 在使牌組變的更加靈活的同時,我們也調整了鬥爭本能的效果,額外的能量與抽牌會讓鬥士能夠兼容更多類型的牌組。 與之作為代價,我們稍稍降低了鬥士基本攻擊卡的初始進攻能力,以防止鬥士在初始便能同時擁有過於高效的傷害。[/b] [b]納刀[/b] 預備 派生(2) 消除 ↓ 預備 派生(1) 消除 [b]躁進反擊[/b] cost:0 ↓ cost:1 [b]割捨[/b] 我方全體護甲(18) ↓ 我方全體護甲(28) [b]劈[/b] 順劈(1) 一般攻擊(4) 消耗 ↓ 順劈(1) 一般攻擊(2) 消耗 [b]刺[/b] 突刺(1) 一般攻擊(4) 消耗 ↓ 突刺(1) 一般攻擊(2) 消耗 [b]挑[/b] 上挑(1) 一般攻擊(4) 消耗 ↓ 上挑(1) 一般攻擊(2) 消耗 [b]狀態『出血』[/b] 每回合遞減1 ↓ 每回合減半 [b]琳娜理智>=75[/b] 每回合抽牌數、能量+1 ↓ 每回合抽牌數+1 戰舞者預組中的『躁進反擊』替換為『振落』 以上便是《紡織者之詠》這次的更新有任何想告訴我們的想法都歡迎透過Discord或問卷告訴我們歐!