Vita Nova v1.1.8

Terra Nil

Terra Nil is an intricate environmental strategy game about transforming a barren wasteland into a thriving, balanced ecosystem. Bring life back to a lifeless world by purifying soil, cleaning oceans, planting trees, and reintroducing wildlife, then leave without a trace.

Hi all, this is another patch to address some fixes for issues you've raised. Thank you again for your feedback. Changelog: [list] [*]Improve animal movement [list][*]Fix animals turning on the spot [*]Birds no longer turn in mid flight [*]Animals don’t try to path over tiles they can’t walk on [*]Reduce animal foot sliding[/list] [*]Improve the new game experience [list][*]Disable hints entirely [*]Stagger tutorials better [*]Remove the first animal tutorial [*]The first animal that spawns in each map looks for an ideal location [*]Make wildlife bridges and sonic pulse have unlock conditions [*]Make intro page appear correctly on game start[/list] [*]Replace “>” character with an arrow in the Animal Needs panel to avoid ambiguity in the meaning of the icons [*]Add an option to disable tooltips when using building abilities [*]Add debug option to allow silos to recycle monorail pylons [*]Remove the kelp forest hard requirement from sea otters [/list] - Free Lives