Vita Nova v1.1.7

Terra Nil

Terra Nil is an intricate environmental strategy game about transforming a barren wasteland into a thriving, balanced ecosystem. Bring life back to a lifeless world by purifying soil, cleaning oceans, planting trees, and reintroducing wildlife, then leave without a trace.

Hi all, we've just released another patch with some changes and fixes for things you've raised. Thank you for all the feedback, it's really helping us make the game more robust. Changelog: [list] [*] Fix a map generation issue that allowed skyscrapers to spawn in impossible to build on locations [*] Fix an issue that prevented progression with bamboo in Continental Outskirts [*] Fix an issue that prevented certain buildings like the standalone recycling beacon from being placed on concrete with deciduous forest [*] Game will no longer enter a lose state if you have almost run out of resources and are moving a building with the monorail vehicle [*] Game will no longer enter a lose state if you have almost run out of resources and have restored the rain/snow [*] Remove greenery requirement from boars [*] Allow eagles to be happy with just one skyscraper [*] Add new art for the standalone recycling beacon building [/list] - Free Lives