Viking Ventures Announcement & Misc.

[h1]Viking Ventures DLC Announcement & New Arcade Game![/h1] [list] [*] New Arcade Game out now with unlockable cosmetics & leaderboards [*] Viking themed themed two table pack. [/list] [h1]Table Specific & Misc.[/h1] [list] [*] Tabletop Terror: New Domino Hit & Spawn VFX [*] Tabletop Terror: Improved Checker piece hit VFX [*] Future Flight: Improved Button Sparks VFX [*] Darkened the Background on the LCD/DMD [*] Fixed a bug in the trial viewer when viewing raceways that was preventing them from being displayed correctly. [/list] [h1]Table Of The Month[/h1] [list] [*] This month's table is: Sports Spectacle [*] Last month's High-Score Holder was: EndlessLove with a score of 15,758,500 on Obnoxious Office. Congratulations! [/list] [h1]The entire Roxy Raccoon Franchise is now on sale![/h1] If you are interested solely on the Roxy Franchise, please check out: If you are interested solely on Pinball, please check out: If you are interested in everything, please check out: A link to the April DLC Pack Tabletop Terror: