Great Gangs DLC Launch

[h1]Great Gangs DLC Launch![/h1] [list] [*] Out now with a 15% off launch discount! [*] Gang warfare themed themed three table pack. [*] Great Gangs arcade game out now in the arcade (free for everyone)! [/list] [h1]Table Of The Month[/h1] [list] [*] This month's table is: Retro Reflections [*] Last month's High-Score Holder was: EndlessLove with a score of 11,823,300 on Wonderful Waters. Congratulations! [/list] [h1]Kickback Cannon Visual Updates:[/h1] [list] [*] Kickback Cannons have had their visuals changed on the following tables: [*] American Anniversary, Beautiful Bakery, Blissful Builder, Bowling Bash, Cafe Catastrophe, Christmas Carnage, Creepy Castle, Dangerous Dinos, Deadly Digs, Doubloon Docks, Endless Empire, Haunted Halloween, Magical Meadows, Malicious Mines, Musical Memories, Nasty Knights, Nectar Wars, Overwhelming Oceans, Playful Plaza, Rickety Rapids, Roman Revolution, Silly Circus, Sly Samurai, St Patrick's Paradise, Viking Village, Wonderful Waters [/list] [h1]Main Menu Table Backgrounds:[/h1] [list] [*] The Following tables have had their backgrounds changed on the table select screen: [*] Musical Memories & Remarkable Records, Beach Boogie & Troubled Tropics, Thanksgiving Throwdown, American Anniversary [*] When returning to the previous screens from the level select screen, the background now returns to the default settings. [/list] [h1]Various Fixes:[/h1] [list] [*] Musical Memories: New Led Animations on some Missions, Fixed a bug where ball saver was not being activated on one mission upon completion. [*] Fixed a bug where the tooltip may appear onscreen in certain situations despite not being actively called upon. [/list] [h1]Other Notes[/h1] [list] [*] Roxy 3 is in full production and has been for quite some time, however, the store page is now live. If you are interested in checking out it, please follow the link: [/list]