Pinball Panic - Console Launch

[h1]Console Launch[/h1] Today, Roxy Raccoon's Pinball Panic has officially launched on all modern consoles. [list] [*] Microsoft Store (Worldwide, Xbox One & Xbox Series X|S) [*] Nintendo eShop (North America, Europe) - Nintendo Switch [*] PlayStation Store (Worldwide, PS4 & PS5) [/list] The porting process was done by EastAsiaSoft. A link can be found here: If you are interested in playing the game on console or on the go, I highly recommend checking it out. It's an all in 1 bundle that includes all the DLC up to and including the Space Spectacular DLC. [h1]What's Next?[/h1] As mentioned above, the porting process was not handled by me. My focus will always be on the PC version and I will continue to prioritize on updating and improving this game as well as developing side projects for PC. I just want to take this opportunity to thank everyone for the support you've given me so far and I look forward to many more pinball adventures!