Table of the Month, Table Creator Content, Fixes & Notes on the Future

[h1]Table Of The Month[/h1] [list] [*] This month's table is: Wonderful Waters [*] Last month's High-Score Holder was: blue-devil-cruiser with a score of 75,616,450 on Sports Spectacle. Congratulations! [/list] [h1]Adjustments & Fixes[/h1] [h2]Story Mode: Skip Level Button[/h2] After failing a level in story mode, a skip level button has been added to the score screen. This will allow you to progress in the story mode without being blocked off at a certain point. However, you will not get the achievement or unlockable cosmetic items when skipping the level. This allows players to play through the story and unlock all the tables incase they get blocked off at a certain point. [h2]Table Specific[/h2] [list] [*] Ambitious Adventurer: Moved some props [*] Sand Sanctuary: Fixed a buggy flipper on the right-hand side [*] Hectic Highway: Adjusted some mechanic & collider positions for better ball flow/gameplay. Minor optimization. [*] Charming Chopper: Adjusted some target hitboxes. Adjusted colors on some flippers and platforms. Adjusted some playfield colliders [/list] [h2]Misc.[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed a bug where spinners wouldn't always play their associated toys [*] Fixed various navigation issues when using a gamepad. [*] Modified visuals on some buttons to better display what is being selected/highlighted. [/list] [h1]Table Creator Content[/h1] [list] [*] Extra Led Icons: Crosshair, Dice, Music Notes, Medal, Trophy, Dungeon Door, Skull, Microphone, Eye, Fire, Utensils, Electrical Plug, Power Symbol [*] Extra DMD Icons: Sun, Music, Headphones, Medal, Trophy, Basketball, BowlingPins, Dice, Camera [*] Extra DMD Animations: From The Right, Criss Cross [*] New Ball Load VFX: Gold, Roman, Theme Park, USA [*] New Ball Drain VFX: Default, Christmas, Halloween, Money, Paper, Bakery, Candy, Easter, Gold Paws, Gold, Trophies, Hearts, Ice, Cherry Blossoms, Music Notes, Retro, Roman, Space, Tools, USA, Warfare, Water, Western [/list] [h1]Notes on the Future:[/h1] [h2]DLC[/h2] There will be no DLC in January. The way that DLC is often developed for this game is that multiple packs are developed simultaneously, although, they still do finish at very different times. There are currently 3 DLC packs in progress which means there are plans to release at least 3 more DLC packs. More packs after that will depend on if there is a continued interest from fans, but rest assured there is most definitely an interest from the developer. With that being said, no DLC will be ready in time for a January release. That being said, expect to see the next one in February. [h2]Everything Else[/h2] As is tradition, there is always a free table or some other type content that is released to coincide with the release of new Roxy games. This tradition will continue in the future regardless of whether or not DLC continues. The game will always receive updates, improvements and bug fixes and will never truly be abandoned. If this all sounds sort of dreary or like I'm planning on retiring the game, I apologize, that is not the intent as the game will hopefully continue for the foreseeable future. I just wanted to give context as to why there would be no DLC in January despite there seeming to be almost monthly releases for the past while. [b]Thank you for all of your continued participation and support and I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season.[/b] [h1]Other Notes[/h1] [list] [*] Roxy 3 is in full production and has been for quite some time, however, the store page is now live. If you are interested in checking out it, please follow the link: [/list]