[h1]Nectar Wars 2 Year Anniversary Event[/h1]
[*] 1 Brand new table – Nectar Wars, this has been added to the end of the Story mode.
[*] Free table - Accessible to all those who have completed the Story.
[*] 1 Achievement added for beating the table’s target score.
[*] 3 New Furs, 3 Cosmetic Items & 1 New Ball (Bee Hive).
[*] 1 Song added to the Table Creator – Nectar Wars
[*] 1 Theme added to the Table Creator – Witchy Woes.
[*] 1 Weather effect added to the Table Creator - Nectar Wars.
[h1]Alien Announcer[/h1]
New Announcer pack usable in all game modes except for Story Mode.
[h2]American Anniversary Table:[/h2]
[*] Changed Bush/Hole Sound Effects
[*] Changed Flag/Rollover Sound Effects
[h2]Bug Fixes/Misc:[/h2]
[*] Customization Screen has been reworked internally. Initial loads will be MUCH faster now.
[h1]About Nectar Wars[/h1]
[*] This table is a tie in to the game, Nectar Wars, which is celebrating it's second anniversary!
[*] This game is a spinoff of Roxy Raccoon featuring the 5 hummingbird sidekicks.