100% Orange Juice is a digital multiplayer board game populated by developer Orange Juice's all-star cast. Characters from Flying Red Barrel, QP Shooting, Suguri and Sora come together with all-new characters to duke it out... with dice.
[*] Mitigated a memory leak issue causing some players very bad performance. There is still work to do, but the game shouldn't go up to crazy amounts in a short amount of time.
[*] Fixed being able to select 2x same unit in Tag Team
[*] Disabled mouse window resize to avoid confusing results.
[*] Fixed a bug where if the game was in a previously low window size and entered borderless windowed, it would render in desktop resolution WITH the elements thinking it was smaller.
[*] Prevented Windows from messing with DPI and creating nonsense resolution in computers with application scale other than 100%.
[*] Fixes the loading of certain announcer mods
[*] Fixed clients getting desynced when choosing to "Fight" while having the "Fury" or "Iron Defense" actions available in Co-op games.
[*] Fixed game crashing if playing a Tag Team game and switching lobby into Co-op and starting a game.[/list]