- Changed SetCameraZoom RPL api to properly set the zoom so other UI elements know the new value.
- Added Get/SetFCCell api (to get/set individual field container cells).
- Added a button to script compilation tab in editor that will open the directory that the mission uses for custom units/scripts.
- Added a button to the info tab in settings that will open up the log file directory.
- Added GetUnitDirection RPL api.
- Added Get/SetUnitBuild and Get/SetUnitAmmoSupply to rpl apis.
- Updated RPL Destroy API to handle destruction of unit properly when the part is the root unit part.
- Make RPL GetCreeper return the value.
- Allow fractional creeper amounts (not just int amounts) of creeper in the editor for the paint creeper amount.
- SetUpgradeBoost was not properly limiting out of range values.
- Added "cammo" to unit json fields.
- Fixed sorting layer problem with SetSpriteLayer. Layer numbers were not being turned into layer names correctly.
- Added GetGameTickCount API.