IXE Release 45
- Changed SetAmmo and SetAmmoMax RPL APIs to treat amt as a float rather than an int (the value internally is a float, the API was just treating it as an int).
- Added "simpleconsumption" arg to PhantomBeamController
- Compile global scripts as part of finalization process. This allows :once to run after a finalize in a global script set to run when paused.
- Prevent exception in GetControllerArg2 rpl api when accessing non-existent key.
- Don't force default interactions into a mission after a mission load.
- Update sand dropper module "embers" button to read "EMBERS"
- Moved resetting and setting of FOW to LateUpdate. This prevents situations where units request ammo and don't get it because a later updating unit reveals the FOW.
- When selecting a spirit, select the base spirit ship instead.
- Added Get/SetControllerArg2 apis.
- Added SetSpriteLayer to RPL
- Ensure that when the game window is resized, it is saved to the settings.
- Check for invalid "type" field in json when loading a unit/global.
- Don't force JSONUIText, Button, and ChoiceButton to use only upper case text.
- Fixed array out of bounds problem in Digitalis when at edge of map.
- Updated the Shift-I info box to have the version at the bottom at start with "V:".
- Stop resetting FOW data when game is paused. This allows unit placement when paused.
- Added button to open wiki link next the editor help button.
- Updated GetControllerArg to work on lower case simplified controller names.
- Added GetCreeper, SetCreeper, SetCreeperInArea RPL apis.
- Update RPL FromCell and ToCell to deal with x,y rather than x,z.
- Fixed typos in RPL names and some argument parsing.
- Added a limit of 32 to the edit undo buffer.
- Fixed collider overlap in round/sparse checkboxes in editor.
- Made freebuild and slammer tooltips in play log appear on top not underneath the pane.
- Stop looping sounds in OnDestroy of units.
- Properly clean up global script runners after a recompilation.
- Fixed Creeper "Damges" typo in sand info card.
- Added HideUI capability.
- Fixed load issue with the path finders used for all move particles. It was backwards in choosing whether to ignore or not creeper.