Version 0.75.5 Alpha

Shades Of Heroes

With the world descending into chaos, will you protect the light, or consume it? Which side will you choose and what forces will you take under your command?

A new update has been pushed for Shades Of Heroes [h3]New[/h3] [list] [*] The Water Temple Adventure can now be obtained from the Commander Trials [list] [*] 10 New Steps in Commander Trials [/list] [*] Division Progression is now visible in the PvG Mode [*] The Party Adventure fights mode can now be accessed for testing via Options. You can find more details on how to access it from our discord server: [/list] [h3]Bugfixing[/h3] [list] [*] Anti Cheat false positive detection fixed [*] Stability Fixed in All Arena, the game should not close unexpectedly in any arena mode anymore. If the game shuts down again unexpectedly within the Arena please report it as a bug to reopen the bug case [*] Cards cannot attack the enemy player health twice anymore [*] Queue Lantern doesn't prevent the cast of abilities in any resolution anymore [*] Fishing Island is now working as intended and as such does not grant exponential resources every round [*] Commander Trials step Worthy Adventurer now proceeds normally [*] Microtransactions purchased items should now appear after the transaction is complete [*] Various Particle Fixes [*] We Need Speed to Enter and Hide Behind the Living Rock challenges now correctly progress when deploying cards instead of destroying them [*] Pressing the Attack button in PvG no longer gets players stuck until restarting the game [/list] [h3]Known Issues[/h3] [list] [*] PvG Delayed Reload [*] Pillars of Destiny Delayed Reload [*] Double Summoning [*] Co Op Abilities [/list]