Version 0.71.1 Alpha

Shades Of Heroes

With the world descending into chaos, will you protect the light, or consume it? Which side will you choose and what forces will you take under your command?

A new update has been pushed for Shades Of Heroes [list] [*]Adjusted sound quality volume & normalization [*]Fixed the arrow sound loop [*]Fixed an issue with the login menu options panel [*]Fixed an issue with the arena options button [*]Fixed the tutorial disclaimer text on all aspect ratios [*]Fixed an issue where in the tutorial fights two music tracks would play at the same time [*]Temporary changed the Cave Crawlers card stats due to crashing issues [*]Added two new help menus for Valkyrie Mountain and Tournaments [*]Updated UI for Fortune Teller's Colosseum Map [*]Can now buy general recipes for Markus, Klad, Monica and Luna Sapphireheart [*]Fixed an issue where players could unpack Dancing Sword from Card Packs [/list]