Version 0.75.4 Alpha

Shades Of Heroes

With the world descending into chaos, will you protect the light, or consume it? Which side will you choose and what forces will you take under your command?

A new update has been pushed for Shades Of Heroes [h3]Bugfixing[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed a huge issue preventing recipes and items in inventory from showing [*] Fixed a bug preventing general recipes in inventory from showing the proper icons and text [*] Fixed a bug where players would sometimes be able to buy items, cards and recipes in Valkyrie Mountain even when they didn't have enough diamonds/gold, this caused a further issue where spending diamonds afterwards was impossible [*] Fixed a bug where Avado High Cleric's mass heal ability was not for all ally units and didn't count herself as an Empire unit (for the double healing) [*] Fixed a turn duration issue on all Totem cards and made minor text corrections [*] Fixed a bug preventing the Diamond Merchant and Become Royal panels from being opened [*] Fixed a bug causing the Treasure Hunter achievement to be unlocked from the start [*] If for whatever reason diamonds are in the negative it is now visible [/list] [h3]Quality[/h3] [list] [*] Slight UI update on some Main Hub panels [*] Can now view currency when a trader pops up in Valkyrie Mountain [*] Player Health in Valkyrie Mountain now only goes up to a maximum of 1200 [*] The provisions counter in Valkyrie Mountain is now more visible [*] Using diamonds to teleport on pending Commander Quests now instantly resolves them (you will not have to click again to see the fight) [/list]