Version 0.1.14 - Deckbuilder Fest

Faith in Despair

Build your own cards, find game-breaking synergies and dominate Satan's army of demons in this roguelike deckbuilder.

This patch includes small but relevant bug fixes. [list] [*] ​GlassCannon now reduces max HP by 75%, instead of current HP (thanks Syndel). [*] Redraw button glows now when you have fewer creatures in hand than total enemies (and if you have enough money). [*] Rearranged shop layout [*] Open inventory with square (playstation controller) or x (xbox controller) or Space (keyboard) [*] You can now hover over cards on end screen [*] Lacrima rewards will now avoid offering duplicates [*] Changed "Immune to Physical Damage" to "Reinforced Shield" (blocks 90% of physical damage) [*] Changed "Immune to Magic Damage" to "Magic Ward" (blocks 90% of magic damage) [*] Fixed lacrima description being visible when flipping through inventory pages [*] Fixed issue where "OnEnemyDeath" would trigger endlessly [*] Fixed bug in webgl build that showed "select an event" when closing blessings/curse mid-fight [*] Fixed JS bug in webgl build due to fullscreen permissions (also added fullscreen button in lower right) [*] Fixed description not updating when getting rid of Mud status [*] Fixed issue where sometimes cards could have negative HP [/list] ​Thanks for playing!