New Starter Deck: Gravedigger

Faith in Despair

Build your own cards, find game-breaking synergies and dominate Satan's army of demons in this roguelike deckbuilder.

This version adds a new starter deck, which starts with 10 different cards and a unique gameplay rule. I'll also keep developing live on Twitch every other day, [url=]follow me there[/url] to catch a stream. Make sure to join the [url=]Discord[/url], your feedback and suggestions are always welcome. Full list of changes: [list] [*] Added new starter deck "Gravedigger" (unlocked if you win with the first deck) [*] Decks can be mastered by winning with 5 activated circles of hell [*] Added PS1-style fade in beginning and between chapters (thanks to AnalogFeelings) [*] Battle log now has a marker for when player turn begins [*] Charmed cards now have a particle effect (thanks to medvezilla for additional help) [*] Exhumed enemies now receive the Permadeath modifier (thanks Baxil) [*] Exhumed enemies now have a rare chance of receiving an additional modifier that can land in fight rewards [*] Renamed "Return To Deck After Death" to "Eternal" [*] Map fragments with 3 Fights now turn one Fight into an Unkown symbol (if the fragment already has an Unknown symbol, it will get an Elite Fight instead) [*] You can now click on Blessings and Curses on the end screen [*] Added new fight header [*] Music now stops after a boss fight to allow some "downtime" [*] HP and ATK are now in the same text object (saves at least 1 FPS!) [*] Changed rarity of OnAllyAttack / OnEnemyAttack to ultrarare [*] Changed rarity of OnAttack to rare [*] Added new UI click and hover sounds [*] Modifiers are now displayed at the top of card descriptions (thanks Kai45)[/list] Fixes: [list][*] Fixed issue where you could hear the "remove status effect" sound when viewing cards in battle log [*] Fixed issue where lanes weren't clickable after opening pause menu during an ongoing turn [*] Fixed being able to end turn while in pause/options (with SPACE) [*] Fixed hover effect not appearing when selecting circles of hell [*] Fixed card slot sprite not appearing when dragging a lacrima in inventory [*] Fixed bug where exhumed enemy creatures didn't receive the correct lane number [*] Fixed bug where after killing an enemy with a spell, the next revealed card wasn't possible to target [/list] Thank you for playing Faith in Despair.