Version 0.1.12 - Art Update

Faith in Despair

Build your own cards, find game-breaking synergies and dominate Satan's army of demons in this roguelike deckbuilder.

Version 0.1.12 is live! Here's the list of changes: [list] [*] Fixed issue where Exhume would try to draw cards out of empty graveyards and spend too much time doing so. [*] Made sure to exclude Levitation from AddRandomBuff. [*] Collection now only includes the correct lacrima [*] Overhauled game over screen, which now includes a "defeated by" card [*] Changed "Discard Random Card" to "Discard Card" (still does the same) [*] Changed OnDamageReceived to OnDamageTaken [*] New card design with images by Odilon Redon [*] New lacrima design [*] Added L1/R1 to change pages in inventory [*] Fixed bug where you could drag a lacrima outside of inventory [*] Hovering over cards now scales them up a bit [*] Winning a run now correctly stops the music [*] Added new lane textures (instead of the symbol) [*] Steam Deck improvements [/list] Make sure to join the Discord: Thank you for playing!