Vacancy Room Service

Haunted Space Hotel: Vacancy

You play as an Artificial Sentient in an Immersive 3D Space Hotel Builder, with unique Alien Factions, fascinating Guilds, and thousands of Technologies. Earn wealth to invest in your massive Brain, unlock Ancient Mysteries, thwart the exploits of Ghosts, and accommodate Pirates.

[list] [*] The Trolly in Room Service is ready to assist with requests. [*] Room Service has updated help. [*] 2D icons can now be generated from 3D icons. [*] Action Generators now drop pickups. [*] Glass colliders have been removed, allowing players to fly outside the hotel. [*] The End of Day Report has been improved with new icons. [*] Changes have been made to the Quest and Choice tree frames. [*] New metallics have been added to the Bridge Map area. [*] The map selector icons have been reversed for better understanding. [*] Text for upcoming quests has been added and will be available in the next patch. [/list] Fixes: [list] [*] Upgraded action rooms that were missing storage. [*] The "What room is this in now" feature now works better with large rooms. [*] Main menu music has been restored. [*] Quest indicator now updates correctly. [*] NPCs can now find the front desk. [*] Stray 3D ships in orbit have been removed. [/list]