Demo Update - Jan 13 2025


Foepower is a roguelite auto-battle RPG with a vintage feel.  Send heroes into the mountain to level up, gear up, and extract the all-important Foepower - because you'll need it to strengthen the next hero! 

Many thanks to all that have tried the free demo! The feedback from the Steam community, Discord, etc has been super helpful. Notable demo updates since launch a few days ago: [list] [*]The mountain’s pull has increased, and now female warriors have arrived at the lodge [*]Add ability to find a mountain cave entrance and enter directly from the forest/explore mode [*]First time players will need to find a mountain cave this way once, which helps prevent too-early mountain entry (and near certain death) on first goes [*]Simplify town area names for Camp and Arena [*]There are rumors of a new circusman wandering inside the mountain… I wonder what he has to offer… [*]Dwarf duellers now punch with the correct amount of fingers, but surprisingly still deal significant damage [/list] These changes are live now in version 0.8.3. Enjoy!