Holy Grain is a celebration of absurdity and over-the-top comedic brutality. It’s a full-on attack against political correctness and wholesome family values. In this roguelike, you’ll team up with two characters—the Counselor and the Entity—to save the world from its impending doom.
[b]Systems are finished, time to refine and fix bugs[/b]
[*] Improved unit behavior in combat and charge (still not perfect, and yet people say AI will end humanity...).
[*] Balanced unit damage and equipment item benefits.
[*] Reworked music and sound effects. Volume levels have been adjusted, sounds assigned to each unit, and sound bugs fixed.
[*] Combat interface completed. While we’ll likely make some changes, most of it is already finished.
[*] A lot of minor bugs fixed.
[*] Although this isn’t something you’ll notice directly, we’ve created a system to greatly increase productivity when creating events, so we’ll soon be back with new event implementations.
[b]Known issues[/b]:
[*] Squad interface is a bit buggy.
[*] Sometimes cavalry retreats from charge by backing up.
[*] Automatic retreat is a bit odd with archers.
[b]That’s all for today’s update[/b]! This week we’ll be working on the new trailer and a very interesting little surprise for you hehe