Difficulty/Clarity adjustement patch

Eternal Challenger

Eternal Challenger is a roguelite boomer shooter which aims to create retro style combat experiences and visuals with modern systems which randomize and create content.

[list] [*] Increased Chaingun damage from 13 Damage per bullet to 18 Damage per bullet [*] Improved Arena Modifier Descriptions [*] Improved Blessing Descriptions [*] Increased Shotgun damage from 20 Damage per bullet to 22 Damage per bullet [*] Improved Shotgun Spread [*] Reduced Energy Projectile Damage from 10 to 5 [*] Reduced Viper Projectile Damage from 10 to 5 [*] Reduced Slicer Damage from 10 to 5 [*] Reduced Assassin Damage from 10 to 5 [*] Reduced Rocketeer Damage from 15 to 8 [*] Reduced Scyther Projectile Damage from 10 to 5 [*] Reduced Vulnerabilty Damage Increase from 75% to 30% [*] Reduced Discord Damage Increase from 20% to 15% [*] Increased Ascension Boss Health by 20% [*] Reduced Pyromancer Damage from 10 to 5 [*] Improved Challenger Notifications [/list]