V30: Cards, Qol and Changes!

RICE - Repetitive Indie Combat Experience™

A rich paragraph of information which will try to charm and pique interest, trying to catch your eye in a sea of competition using a slew of buzzwords such as ‘bullet heaven’ and ‘in-depth meta-progression’, in a vain attempt to make you believe this game is any different from others in its genre.

Wake up babe, new RICE update [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43533896/0a3e1649ecc41f4c3b18c5f31fb7481203e2cea1.png[/img] Got a large platter of miscellaneous additions and changes for you this time to feast your eyes upon! [h3]New Helmet: Arrogance[/h3] You can only find your starting weapon. Cannot use Arsenals. (Effectively only 3 weapon slots) [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43533896/ceafd74fd1e2994e7ffaed87167f2f5636812f0e.png[/img] [h3]New Card: Blood Boiler[/h3] Dual Element Card, Depraved and Flame: Explosions on enemy death! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43533896/09926737264ad6afba364e74c7481745ef9ad43a.png[/img] [h3]New Card Line: Thorn and Leaf[/h3] From Bronze to Gem, a Verdant series of medals that's defensive or offensive depending on if it's attached. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43533896/79790d2ca5418c0038e6c1929e233973e4f5ccdf.png[/img] [h3][b]MINT-CHO[/b][/h3] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43533896/e126805dcd4bd9da46db75a29feedd7f26f67f4f.png[/img] [b]MINT-CHO[/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43533896/6b09cda4db396e368fa7c124c6d2225e9887fb25.gif[/img] [h2]Additions:[/h2] [list] [*]Planetoid loot will now contain either a silver or gold (10% chance) medal. [*]Projectiles that hit their intended target have their Crit Rolls' value doubled. (So 50%, 10% becomes 100%, 20%) The intended target for mouse aim is always the closest enemy. [/list] [h2]Reworks:[/h2] [h3]Vine:[/h3] Vine was extremely boring, unfun and probably weak, this will put it closer to being on the right track. [url={STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43533896/9ae7038771996c6b44b82a38a083d3576616e27b.png][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43533896/d7c6885fd0b3bd7de9d6efd31e6a001999beb774.png[/img][/url] [list] [*] Vine projectile visuals have been fixed. [*] Gets +1 branching per quality. [*] Has infinite pierce but can not bounce. [*] Travels at a decent speed now. [/list] [h3]Projectiles:[/h3] When your projectiles collide with enemy projectiles, they damage eachother. This mechanic was largely impossible to notice, and failed at the point of the mechanic (protecting you from enemy projectiles). So projectile collisions now actually stutter the projectiles, giving you time to dodge out of the way, and making the mechanic more obvious. Additionally, enemy projectiles have been updated to look better. Cultists now fire projectiles a lot quicker, but the size and strength of the projectile depends on how close they are to summoning. [h3]Depraved:[/h3] Regeneration has become purely a depraved related stat. This is to remove the synergy/anti-synergy between Depraved and Verdant cards. The 'Regenerate' card has now been renamed 'Regrow', and heals you every 10 seconds, instead of regenerating over 10 seconds. The depraved element bonus now gives you +1 Regen per 10 seconds. This is partially because getting max health from depraved made taking CON cards feel quite weird (Why am I getting more health than it says?). It should go without saying, but Regen no longer counts as healing for any Verdant effects. [h2]Changes:[/h2] [list] [*]Arsenal gives +1 Inventory Slot. [*]Elements now only count for half when removing their opposing element.[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43533896/a183c9ad0647e873f6e68a9fefc45d96dc59c50b.png[/img] [*]Large Planetoids now give a choice of 5 Weapons instead of 4. [*]Weapons are about 33% slower. (from 45 ticks baseline to 60 ticks) However, when you have less than full slots, your weapons attack faster to compensate. [*]Crit Damage Upgrades have been reduced by half. [*]Healing now heals you, regardless of whether you actually need healing. (Cannot heal more than your Max HP at once) [*]Explosion effects are snappier. [*]Player explosions no longer knock enemies around, but instead drag them slightly to the centre. [*]Fireball looks cooler. [*]Paper cards now only count for half when calculating how much of an element you have. [*]Cards that are dual element no longer provide 100% of each element, rather 50% of each element. [*]Fixed Junk working with Paper Cards. [/list] [h2]QOL:[/h2] [list] [*]Can now change the Scale of the HUD. This is part of a longer on-going process to fix the UI on larger screens. [*]You can now inspect medals attached to weapons by hovering them. [*]You are locked out of editing weapons and their equipped medals during level up. [*]Only one line of medals is shown when the game isn't paused. [/list] [hr][/hr] [b][h3]Dev Note:[/h3][/b][quote]No real theme to the update this time around. I initially wanted to just add a bunch of cards and content but got caught up with the UI rescaling stuff and other long term fixes and changes. We'll get em next time. Crit has been OP for a long time, hence the changes to Crit damage cards. Though I did want Crit to be more bound to accuracy and give back some power to those builds if they are willing to dip into accuracy. I'm feeling a lot better about depraved now, it had a weird theming conflict with Verdant before, and I think it's finally in a good place. Going forwards healing from depraved cards will likely be entirely regeneration based, and there'll be internal synergies with that. This leaves the Mercurial helmet in a weird place potentially, but I have some ideas for that. Something like arrogance was a long time coming, so I'm glad we finally have it so I can do boomerang spam builds. Vine finally useful too, thank goodness. Weapons firing slower: Weapons were originally sped up because attack speed was removed from the game, but since it's back, weapons should probably be a bit slower. I personally also thought weapons felt more impactful when they have slower attack speeds, so not every build is a machine gun build. Yes this is probably just a nerf to Crit in disguise. In regards to Thorn and Leaf, I'm aware attaching more than a single medal at once is a painful endeavour and I have an idea on how to fix it, just not happening this update. Thanks for reading to the end, you're a champ. See ya next time! [/quote] [h1]MINTCHO[/h1] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43533896/5aa2305c6e5d371b663fdc1b4dd82166a0d1c8d4.png[/img]