R.I.C.E. Publisher Announcement!

RICE - Repetitive Indie Combat Experience™

A rich paragraph of information which will try to charm and pique interest, trying to catch your eye in a sea of competition using a slew of buzzwords such as ‘bullet heaven’ and ‘in-depth meta-progression’, in a vain attempt to make you believe this game is any different from others in its genre.

Here’s an announcement you probably don’t care about, but I’m going to tell you anyways. Somehow we tricked a publisher, Freedom Games (https://freedom.gg) into publishing RICE. Yep. That’s right. R.I.C.E, the repetitive INDIE combat experience has a publisher now. >:D Don’t worry, they’re not changing anything with the game. You’ll still be committing planetary genocide. Freedom Games will be helping a lot to advertise the game, do PR, manage events…etc. You know, all the stuff customers think happens magically and don’t realize there’s a swath of people getting somehow paid to do all this. This allows us to just keep doing our thing while Freedom will help fulfill all our desires to make a Repetitive Indie Combat Experience. Here’s the announcement they originally wanted us to make : Hello everyone! We are proud to announce that R.I.C.E. is now being published by Freedom Games (https://freedom.gg). For those of you who may not know, a game publisher can take care of a lot of the business and marketing side of releasing a game. That includes managing our store pages, marketing and advertising the game, helping showcase the game at both digital and live events, PR, and a lot more. Really it lets us totally focus on working to make the game the best it can be, and provides us with the resources to do so. You may also be concerned about horror stories of publishers ruining the vision of a game or forcing arbitrary restrictions on the dev team. For Freedom, that can’t be further from the reality we have experienced with them. Freedom has been a great partner to us, only enhancing and supporting our vision. We were very careful when considering whether to go with a publisher or not, and selected Freedom because they are committed to our vision of the game, and only want to see it reach its full potential as we see it. We maintain complete creative and development freedom, and Freedom (heh) wouldn’t have it any other way!