RICE - Repetitive Indie Combat Experience™

A rich paragraph of information which will try to charm and pique interest, trying to catch your eye in a sea of competition using a slew of buzzwords such as ‘bullet heaven’ and ‘in-depth meta-progression’, in a vain attempt to make you believe this game is any different from others in its genre.

Changelog for v18: Yes yes, that's right. I provided a patch shortly after launch. You're all welcome. Honestly I can't remember some of the stuff I changed, but probably not too important. [list] [*] Memory Leaks fixed [*] Options screen has been categorised to make space for new options [*] Full Screen Option [*] 4K Option, doubles the view of the game, a temporary fix [*] Added Vertex Buffer Option (if you're getting blank screens on fullscreen this may help) [*] Added options to configure bloom's quality/performance, with the ability to turn it off [*] There's now an option to turn off some shader effects [*] Added a fall back for alt+f4 to quit the game [*] The time it takes to commit to ending a run is now twice as quick [*] Grouped Slimes on higher personality ascension should no longer nuke you on death when they split [*] Optimised bloom [*] Enemies no longer shrink to the point of being invisible when inside blackholes [*] Enemies within blackhole no longer push eachother [*] Added third tier of Aim(Accuracy), adjusted Perfect Aim. [*] Added 2 'secret' cards. (they're [i]useless[/i]) [*] Coin halo now autocollects after a while (I know it was pretty but it has to go) [*] Fixd sum typos [/list] If you've got feedback, pop into our Discord. There's some decently cool people there who would possibly listen to you. See ya, Pirate-Rob