Purchase fish, feed them to collect coins, upgrade your tank and Zen out in... "Fish & Bubbles"! Updates will be released regularly, stay up to date on our Steam posts, or join our Discord!
Hello everyone,
It's been a bit, but Fish & Bubbles is still alive and well.
I bring to you Version 1.7 - Charlies Cavern
Which brings the following features:
- Inventory has been greatly improved, items now stack
- Upgraded the Autofeeder, It now has three levels, and a final upgrade called "Dynamic" mode, which tries to keep as many fish as you have, alive
- Added Charlie's Cavern (a 2nd store, unlockable at the pond)
- Added Red Anubias (Available in Charlie's Cavern)
- Added Wooden Log (Available in Charlie's Cavern)
- Added Treasure Chest (Available in Charlie's Cavern)
- Added ability to sell fish or trash at the pond
- Added view of "coins" to the pond, so you can watch your cash grow while fishing
- Fixed Zen Mode so if you turn it on, it stays on. Even if you move between areas / close the game (its now stored in the savefile)
- Fixed a few incorrect SFX (playing at max volume, not honoring the SFX volume setting)
- Fixed menu / SFX to honor the volume setting
- Fixed layering of many sprites
We've also enhanced our logging,
So please report any bugs to our discord in the bugs channel!
Thank you all, until next time,