v0.9.44 Patch Notes


Peglin is a Pachinko Roguelike - Fight enemies by collecting special orbs and popping pegs to deal damage. Acquire special relics that radically change the game and ensure no two runs are the same. Aim carefully to survive in this unique turn-based RPG!

Happy New Year everyone! We hope you all had peaceful and happy holidays and that 2024 has been good to you and your families so far! [h2]New Content[/h2] [list] [*] New Boss Relic - Endless DevouRing: All attacks get 2x damage but every peg activated gets downgraded -4. [*] New Roundrel Relic - Is Dis Your Card [i](I'm sorry)[/i]: When discarding an orb, gain Ballusion equal to 2x the orb's crit damage stat. [*] New Roundrel Relic - Steady Scope: Every shot fired has a chance to trigger a crit equal to 2x your Ballusion. [*] New Roundrel Relic - Distraction Reaction: After taking X damage, gain X ballusion (this will be increased to gaining 2X ballusion in the next update). [*] New Roundrel Relic - Mauliflower: Add 1 Spinesse whenever 3 Crits are Triggered. [*] New Spinventor Relic - Refresh Perspective: Whenever a peg is refreshed it gets upgraded +1 [*] New Balladin Relic - Bastion Reaction - After losing HP from self-damage, gain 2x that much damage as Ballwark. [*] "New" Relic - Slimy Salve: Apply Healing Slime to every 35th peg hit. [*] New Scenario - Crystal Altar: Offered in the castle or mines when below 35% max HP to heal to full in exchange for losing some Max HP. [*] New Scenario Relic - Modest Mallet: ??? [*] Refreshircle and Critsoballos now create 1/2/3 bonus special pegs of their respective types when drawn. [/list] [h2]Balance Changes[/h2] [list] [*] More slime types are now levelled up when their peg gets buffed (or debuffed!). [*] Peg upgrading has been dialled up across the board to help it scale a bit further into a run and to help it upgrade slime more effectively - we're still working on end-game scaling for this synergy but it's improved a bit for now. [*] When slime is applied to a durable peg it resets the peg's hit count, allowing more hits on the new slime before the peg pops. [*] Positive slime from Prime Slime will no longer clobber other slime, allowing it to coat more pegs more effectively. [*] Beleaguered Boots Ballusion Threshold increased to 300 (description doesn't reflect this new functionality yet, will be fixed next update) [*] Mines Ghost Miniboss damage increased by 1. [*] Many non-synergistic Boss Relics removed from possible character relic pools. [*] Nimball stats have been increased. [*] Mirrors no longer reflect damage when hit from behind with a Round a Bout crit attack. [/list] [h2]Bug Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Having a navigation orb get stuck and despawn during scenario navigation no longer softlocks the game. [*] Mines Ghost Miniboss should now always start with the correct number of refresh pegs instead of sometimes starting with non-refresh pegs. [*] Pegs can now only splash nearby pegs once per shot, which should help reduce infinite loops when using Refreshing Punch with many refresh pegs on the board. [*] Branch of Ember now interacts properly with Exacorbate. [*] Prediction fixed for Summoning Circle + Constricting Chains. [*] On the character select screen, the selected character now no longer blocks clicking to select characters behind it. [*] Small visual improvements to mines tiles. [*] Map title no longer draws in front of the pause screen when pausing with the map open. [*] Scrolling the credits with the mouse wheel will no longer get taken over by the autoscroll. [/list] [h2]What's next?[/h2] This update was pretty focused on making the Roundrel a bit more robust, and while we've made solid progress towards that we have a bit more content with that purpose in mind that wasn't quite ready in time and will make its way out over the next couple of updates. We're also working on how to prevent the Balladin from being a one-trick pony while still being a decently simple/more approachable class, so expect to see some changes there soon as well. Under the hood we've got some big optimizations and old code refactoring happening which will help the game run a bit better and gets us a little closer to potentially supporting modding/Steam Workshop post-1.0 (still can't promise anything for sure but it's something that we'd love to do). And finally we'll have some more battles & encounters to challenge your peg-popping skills in the next update! 2024 is going to be a very exciting year for Peglin as we round the corner to 1.0 and work on getting everything where it should be for a full and complete game, and we're really excited to share more of what we've been working on behind-the-scenes!