1.0.6 Release!


Peglin is a Pachinko Roguelike - Fight enemies by collecting special orbs and popping pegs to deal damage. Acquire special relics that radically change the game and ensure no two runs are the same. Aim carefully to survive in this unique turn-based RPG!

[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images/37639869/2b3e46f4e0188869fe40562874d0bc98f3f11bd6.png[/img] Hey all! We're back again with another Peglin update, hot off the presses. In this update we've spent a lot of time trying to bring some older content back to be C20 meta-viable, so you'll see a ton of buffs to orbs and relics alongside a few new appearances. There's also a fresh Forest foe to face, who we hope you'll all have fun fighting! Thanks for continuing to join us on this peg-popping journey, Peglin continues to be a really fun game for us to work on and you as a community are amazing. We've got a few more content updates in the pipes and we're continuing to work towards releasing Act 4 earlyish in 2025! Until next time, Dylan and the RNG Team [h1]v1.0.6 Patch Notes[/h1] [h2]New Content[/h2] [list] [*] [New Forest Miniboss] [b]Stompy Stomps[/b] - These two massive walking stumps are quite hearty, and still pack a punch when knocked down! [*] [New Rare Peglin Orb] [b]Jupitorb[/b] - Shoots out lasers that activate pegs, and attacks all enemies! [*] [New Boss Relic] [b]Safety Pegulations[/b] - All projectile attacks pierce 2 additional enemies, but bombs deal 75% less damage and 75% less self damage. [*] [New Rare Relic] [b]Parallel Boomiverse[/b] - Whenever bombs are created in a battle, create an additional regular bomb. [*] Orbs firing at enemies are now predicted with raycasts to ensure they never skip over or hit an additional enemy. All orb shot hitboxes are also now the same size, and orbs fired at flying enemies can no longer be blocked by grounded enemies. [*] Rigged bomb damage increased from 150/100 to 200/150. [*] You can now inspect status effect icons on enemies and the player on controller as a third mode after inspecting your relics and upcoming orbs. [*] Scrolling up and down on the brown preview map is now faster and more responsive with all input methods. [*] Castle Mirrors have gotten an art update to make them match their mines counterparts. Both mirrors now also have a new animation that plays when they reflect damage. [*] Regular stumps have had their art updated to match the new miniboss. [*] Shots will now be forcefully ended after 3 minutes to avoid softlocks. [/list] [h2]Balance Changes[/h2] [list] [*] The Demon Wall no longer spawns dull pegs on C20. [*] Avogadro’s attack damage has been reduced from 11 to 8, but now gains 1 Muscircle (2 at C20) whenever the tree is hit by an attack that does more than 25 damage. Prior to this change Avogadro was still the easiest of all the forest bosses, so this is our next step to try to balance all 3. [*] The difficulty of extra enemies that spawn in easy battles from C19 has been limited. For example now a Red Slimedrop can no longer spawn in your first few battles before you have the means to deal with it. Additionally, C19 spawning in all battles is weighted by the difficulty of enemies, so you will no longer have a small chance to get multiple hard enemies spawn in one fight. [*] Mirrors can no longer spawn as a C19 extra enemy. [*] Horriballs no longer have negative stats, and are now 0/0. We wanted to do this to make it play better with buffs and Spinventoriginality. [*] Spinfection on the player now only ticks down after you have fired an orb. [*] The available gold in the easy forest spider battle has been increased by 10. [*] Shops can no longer spawn in ‘?’ nodes. [*] Constricting Chains changed to fire a scatter shot of 3 orbs rather than one forward and backwards. We wanted to change this relic again since shooting backwards meant it only really gave you 2 options to pick from each shot. However the scattershot proved to be really powerful, so we had to make it halve orb damage as well to keep it balanced. [*] Heavy Hand now also makes all orbs Dense. [*] The length of the aimer when you have both Heavy Hand and Unicorn Horn has been reduced. [*] Consuming Chalice has been removed from Balladin’s relic pool, as neither of its effects fits with Balladin’s synergies. [*] Haglin's Satchel grants 2 fewer upgrades and grants 50 gold instead. This allows you to upgrade the orbs you want instead of random ones, or to add/remove orbs instead [*] Hero's Backpack reworked to now grant +1/+2 to all non-Pebball duplicate orbs you own. [*] Recombombulator now respawns rigged bombs as regular bombs. [*] Orbert’s Story has been changed to grant a chest every 4th ‘?’ node you enter, and to increase rare relic chances by 50% instead of adding a flat 7%. [*] Perfected Reactant bomb damage buff increased from 15 to 20. [*] Perfect Forger self-damage increased from 4 to 6. [*] Molten gold buffed from 5 to 10 extra gold. [*] Double Damage slime now refreshes along with its peg just like Healing and Lightning slime do. [*] Damage Reduction slime now stays on the board until you take damage. [*] Level 3 Shock Orbsorbers buffed to also always reduce damage from rigged bombs by 1 while you own it. This makes it takeable in any build as a utility orb to help protect yourself. As such, it has been converted from uncommon to rare, and is now available on all classes. [*] Bob-Orb has been buffed to convert the first peg hit to a bomb at level 1, create 1 bomb when drawn and reduce pegs needed to hit per bomb from 8 to 7 at level 2, and create 2 bombs when drawn at level 3. [*] Collatorball Damage now also deals flat damage per rigged bomb on the board. It also converts the first peg it hits to a rigged bomb at level 1, and the pegs needed to hit per rigged bomb has been reduced from 9 to 8 at level 2. [*] OffeRing now attacks all enemies, instead of just grounded ones. [*] Orbelisks now also give increased damage to all Pebballs, Bouldorbs, and Orbelisks in your deck. Orbelisk damage has been reduced slightly to help account for this. [*] Added Orbelisk to Balladin’s orb pool. [*] Allorbnothing and Extra-Orbinary are now buffed by opposite damage types at all levels, not just level 3. Allorbnothing is now only available on Balladin, and Extra-Orbinary is now only available to Roundrel (both are still available to Peglin). [*] Bullyball changed to work any time you’ve taken self-damage this battle with no health loss necessary so it can be blocked with Ballwark. [*] Activatorb buffed to work on discard at level 2, and its stats have been increased slightly. [*] Orborous crit damage increased from 2 to 3. [*] Kobanorb and Swashbucklorb have been removed from Balladin’s orb pool. [*] The Resistance Knight fight now starts on the opposite board peg board. [*] 4 more bombs have been added to the difficult mines Sporeshroom fight. [*] The midas event has been tweaked so that the damage you take is lower, and the gold it can grant is higher. [*] The damage required to make a rainbow slime drop a coin when hit has been reduced from 60 to 30. [*] Tweaked the lifetime of the long peg cups in the forest plant miniboss pegboard to help make orbs fall down the middle of the cups easier. [/list] [h2]Bugfixes and Small Changes[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed a bunch of bugs related to the aimer not predicting correctly. [*] Fixed sapper enemies skipping over each other when one blows up next to you. [*] Fixed refreshes getting broken rarely in the Thesaurosus fight. [*] Fixed Spinventoriginality sometimes affecting orbs you're looking to buy even when you’re in a new run not on Spinventor. [*] Bombs should no longer be able to be visually covered in slime. [*] Fixed sound effects being still slightly audible when the slider is at 0%. [*] Sash of Focus now protects from Nosforbatu’s self-damage and damage taken in events. [*] Fixed the softlock when you skip the “secret miniboss” on mobile. [*] Fixed the Resistance Knight increasing its reflect status effect before calculating its damage instead of after. [*] Fixed Spinfection on the player, sometimes ticking down twice in one turn. [*] Fixed enemies buffing themselves or debuffing you counting towards the 'Stacks Applied' statistics in the run summary. [*] The copy seed button now has more feedback than just a sound effect when it's been pressed. [*] Fixed camera jump when loading a game where you’re going into the castle boss. [*] Fixed being able to navigate to the remove orb button in shops after it’s been used. [*] Fixed the preview map looking zoomed in when viewing it in some scenes. [*] Fixed Navigationflation blinking whenever you detonate a bomb during a battle. [*] Fixed Effective Criticism bug that rarely caused the game to freeze. [*] Fixed upcoming orb inspection crosshairs scaling along with the size of the orb. [*] Fixed Consolation Prizes not displaying correctly in the run summary screen. [*] Bugged relics are no longer shown as options for the “...Would you like a boost?” at the start of a run if you’re doing a custom run with all common relics. [/list]