[Updated] Update for Kreedz Climbing released + 100+ Workshop maps!

Kreedz Climbing

Kreedz Climbing is the ultimate non-violent 3D platformer. Race against time and other players...or not and just relax on a server and watch others as they compete with the best to become a legend on the scene!

An update for Kreedz Climbing has been released. This patch will be automatically applied by Steam within 15 minutes. You may have to restart Steam for the update to immediately begin downloading. [i]Please note that when a patch is released, the currently running servers will be out of date and won't show up on your server browser anymore. Once they update they will appear again![/i] Update 30/04/2019: [list] [*] Fixed teleporters not working properly after the update. There's an issue with the "Portal Mode" flag for trigger_teleport where it doesn't function if "Preserve Movement Velocity" is ticked, this issue was fixed in yesterday's update but some maps have incorrect settings and breaks with that fix, so it's necessary to undo that change. Now Hammer explicitly says you need to untick the Preserve Movement Velocity when using Portal Mode instead. [*] Fixed velocity-keeping teleporters not functioning properly if used while under the influence of a trigger_push. [/list] Additions: [list] [*] Added a new first-person demo renderer that should finally get rid of the annoying visual glitches when viewing locally recorded demos. This renderer also allows for demo slowdown without glitchiness in the visual strafes, which should greatly improve quality for moviemakers! Demos recorded on public servers are also somewhat improved, but still aren't great because the data recorded in them is lower resolution than a local demo. This change will apply retroactively to all demos previously recorded. [b]While the enhanced renderer is enabled, the Demo Smoother and Drive feature of the demoui won't work anymore. Disable demo_smoothedview in the console to enable these features again.[/b] [*] Added new entity: prop_dynamic_kzmod, which is an animating prop which is visible/collideable only with players who are set to allowed, the same as func_brush_kzmod. Also supports selecting if "allowed mode" affects visuals, collisions, or both! [*] Added info_player_ spawnpoints commonly used in other games, such as info_player_counterterrorist, info_player_rebel, etc. [*] Added the missing env_detail_controller entity to the Hammer entity list, it existed ingame but wasn't visible there until now. [*] point_clientcommand now interprets the "play" command as a legal command and instead converts it into a legitimate sound play instead of executing a console command. Note that VBSP's autopacker will not detect a point_clientcommand play as a resource usage and won't autopack the sound unless you use an ambient_generic. [*] Added setcustomposition and setcustomposition_goto, letting you set your own teleport positions in the map. This will reset your timer on use and can't be used in multiplayer unless the server admin enables it. Note that you could basically do the same thing as this command with the setpos and getpos commands, so these commands are merely a quality of life addition. [/list] Bug fixes: [list] [*] Fixed spawnpoint selection not being truly random (now you have a chance to spawn at any enabled player start, not just the first few). [*] Fixed maps which use the !classname trick to identify players breaking the kz_sv_restartmap command. [*] Fixed the very rare player services manager crash, seen last on kz_tradeblock. [*] Fixed the Break input on prop_dynamic not deleting the prop if the model doesn't have any health and instead leaving behind un-interactable ghost props. Now the entity will be deleted no matter what. [*] Fixed env_detail_controller not actually working properly with distances greater than the game's defaults. This bug could be seen if the detail_controller was manually added to a map. [*] Fixed the observer camera constantly teleporting to the last player you spectated when entering spectator mode. [/list] In community news, there's over 100 maps in the Workshop now, a huge milestone for the game! I need to express my deepest thanks to all the mappers adding maps, and those converting them, your work to create more content for the game is greatly appreciated by myself and everyone who plays the game, we couldn't do it without you! Happy climbing!