Update version 1.7.4 - Animal Traps and new Hair

Junk Survivor

Junk Survivor is a zombie post-apocalypse game where you loot, craft, build and farm in a struggle to survive. With a vast map to explore, a robust skillset to unlock this customizable sandbox awaits the adventurer. How long before you die!

In this update we added some features like a sorting option for items in inventory. We also added new hair styles and new farming items. [list] [*] Added Sorting function to sort items in inventory. [*] Added 12 new female hair styles and 7 new male hair styles. [*] Added new Trap skill where you can learn how to make small and medium animal traps. [*] New Chicken Coop and Pigs Hut buildings added where players can generate passive resources when they have animal feed in them. [*] New crafting items added, animal feed and shredded corn. [*] Fixed Day Night cycle setup so now you will see the days change again. [/list]