Update 1.9.0 - More farming animals added!

With Update 1.9.0 we have fixed many bugs and started adding in more content. Our next few up coming updates will start to focus more on content as we slowly start moving towards full release with new biomes coming, world boss fights and new places to explore. [b]Patch Notes:[/b] [list] [*] Added bounce effect and particle effects to most resources harvested with tools. [*] Fixed Pig Hut to make Leather and Rot.. [*] Added Cow mob. [*] Reworked the Fuel system so it does not over generate ash and cause lag. [*] Added Large Animal Traps which allows players to capture cows and sheep to craft Cow Pens and Sheep Pens. Sheep Pen will generate Wool/Raw Meat and Cow Pen will generate Raw Prime Meat and Rot. [*] Fixed medical tray collusion which was preventing the pickup of bandages and pills in the hospital building. Now players can pickup pain pills and Bandages there. [*] Added Seed merchant where players can buy and sell seeds. [*] Improved saving lag but we still have some work to do with it. [*] Fixed bug where the compass display doubles on death. [*] Added destruction effects on all building parts so you can see when you destroy a building part. [*] Improved Ceiling placement allowing up to 4 ceilings to be placed with one support. Ceilings can also be placed on foundations. [*] Changed how the Raider mobs take damage, now they will only have a 20% chance of being staggered when a player hits them preventing players from constantly staggering a enemy and just killing him. [*] Added harvestable Stop Signs, harvestable Vending Machine. [*] Updated display when chatting with a NPC Trader. [*] Copper Ore, Copper Ingot and Copper Wire added. [*] New recipes added to Research Table: Book Metal Plate, Book Electric Wire, Book Copper Wire, Book Metal Pipe, Book Piston. [*] Updated Ui so that items so that looted items will first stack in the hotbar on similar items before they get placed in inventory. [/list]