Screenfest competition 001!

Junk Survivor

Junk Survivor is a zombie post-apocalypse game where you loot, craft, build and farm in a struggle to survive. With a vast map to explore, a robust skillset to unlock this customizable sandbox awaits the adventurer. How long before you die!

Our theme for the competition is base building. Base building is an art form, and we invite you to showcase your most impressive and imaginative fortresses, settlements, and hideaways in Junk Survivor. [b]How to participate:[/b] [list] [*] Send us a screenshot of your own unique building! [*] Post your screenshot into the discord forum post linked here: [url=]Junk Survivor Discord[/url] or post them on Steam Screenshots community with the caption: "Screenfest 001 - Base Building Competition". [/list] [b]Competition rules:[/b] [list] [*] Screenshots must be from Junk Survivor. [*] Screenshots must be built and taken by yourself. [*] Entries containing offensive or inappropriate content will be disqualified. [/list] [b]Judging criteria:[/b] Our developers will be judging your screenshots on the following criteria: [list] [*] Visual impact: how visually stunning is your screenshot? [*] Composition: is the screenshot well-framed and aesthetically pleasing? [*] Creativity: does the screenshot showcase a unique style of building? [*] Building: You can show the outside of the building or your interior design. [/list] [b]Important Dates:[/b] [list] [*] Submission period: 22 September 2023 to 24 September 2023 [*] Winners announcement: 27 September 2023 [/list] Get ready to share your crazy creativity to our community of survivors. Do you have what it takes to create the ultimate screenshot? May the best screenshots win! [b]Prizes:[/b] The top 3 winners will receive a steam key to our next survival game to be released this month called Athos. Set on a planet called Athos, you start off by building a formidable base to protect yourself from the wild and unpredictable environment, and master the art of taming mighty dinosaurs to be your loyal companions. This game is set to release this month - for more information, check out the steam page: [url=]Athos Steam Page[/url]