Update Ver. 1.12.1 with Load Time & Game Size Reduction Feature

RPG Developer Bakin

RPG Developer Bakin is a game development tool that allows anyone to create RPGs using intuitive operations and advanced features without the need for programming knowledge. Several game asset DLCs are also available, so you can enjoy creating games from the day you purchase it.

Hello everyone! [h3]We have updated to Ver. 1.12.1![/h3] The main addition this time is the “Convert to Internal Format (beta)” feature, which reduces game load times and game size. This is the ability to pre-convert models and textures to a Bakin-optimized format. (The original resources are retained while the converted resources are newly added.) This feature has the following advantages and disadvantages: [Advantages] [list] [*]Speeds up the loading process during games. [*]The memory used by the game is reduced. [*]When exporting as a published work, game size is reduced by exporting only files that have been converted to the internal format. [/list] [Disadvantages] [list] [*]Depending on your environment and the number of resources to be converted, the conversion may take a considerable amount of time. [*]The size of the project folder will increase as it will now contain files converted to internal format. [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42509419/1023ecf12521f26470572710ef99656c71238c5c.png[/img] Since this feature is being released as a beta version, we recommend that you check the “Backup the Entire Game File” checkbox in the dialog that appears when you turn on the feature and save the project data as an alias. Please see the [url=https://rpgbakin.com/pukiwiki_en/?Update+log]online manual[/url] for more details on this feature and other additions, improvements, and bug fixes. [hr][/hr] We hope this update will help you to create a great game. We will continue to improve “RPG Developer Bakin”.