Update v10042018


This utility is designed to create textures used in computer games. Conventional photos or images you can easily convert to maps diffusemap, normalmap, specularmap, illuminationmap, heightmap, glossmap , metallmap, ambient occlusion map.

List of changes: Fixed incorrect use of filters while loading the project. Fixed a delay when using the STAMP brush. Added UNDO \ REDO for drawing operations. Currently only works for brushes PAINT, BURN, DODGE, CLONE, does not work for STAMP brush, PASTE IMAGE, PASTE CHANNEL, etc. The use of UNDO \ REDO for all drawing operations and PASTE functions will be added within 48 hours. That's all for now. A reminder of future discounts and changes in utility costs. Starting on April 10, a weekly promotion will be launched with a 25% discount, after the completion of this promotion, the utility cost will be increased to $ 19.99.