New tab "O" in the future update.


This utility is designed to create textures used in computer games. Conventional photos or images you can easily convert to maps diffusemap, normalmap, specularmap, illuminationmap, heightmap, glossmap , metallmap, ambient occlusion map.

I decided to tell what will happen in the next update. The update will be available on March 10. Updated panel "MAKE SEAMLESS". Now in real time you will have a preview of the created seamless texture. This is much faster than before. Added sliders: SX - overlap directions X SY - overlap directions Y OFX - shift overlapping along the X axis OFY - shift overlapping along the Y axis BRIGHTNESS for overlapping CONTRAST for overlapping. [img][/img] The updated panel "PAINTING". Added buttons: STAMP, CLONE, MATERIAL. Added selection of brush shape - round / rectangular. [img][/img] Updated panel "SELECT TOOL". Added 3 selection modes: Rectangular, round, free form by reference points. Added a "FILL" button to fill the selected area with the color and alpha set in the "PAINTING" panel. [img][/img] Updated "VIEW" panel. Added three render modes in the viewport: Pure PBR DNSIH UBER (the mix of the two previous ones - is used in the v05022018). [img][/img] Full view "O" tab. [img][/img]